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09/15/14 07:34 AM #53    


Joan Stanbery (Holliday)

Thank you to everyone for who worked on and planned our 50 th HS reunion! It was AWESOME. Speaking for many of those here, thank you! Food, friendship and fun made us all remember that even though it's been 50, we have not changed that much!  Thanks again!

09/15/14 11:36 AM #54    

Shari Moldovan (Cimino)

Thanks to all who worked so hard to put this reunion together! I had a great time and enjoyed seeing and catching up with everyone. Looking forward to the next one!  Jeri, we all missed you!!

09/16/14 12:49 PM #55    


Sally Schroder (Kamman)


A big thank you to the planning committee for a job well done in putting together the Fab really was fabulous!! So nice to see everyone again-what a great turnout. It was also nice to visit the H.S. What a beautiful facility; thank you for organizing that too. Hoping we have another good turnout in 5'll take me that long to re-cooperate from this one :-)

09/17/14 08:05 AM #56    


Mary Mikridge (Hollomon)

I also agree with Sally, it was a FAB 50

 and my hat off to the spouse's who gave up there partner thru all the planing!

best reunion, I do not know how you can top this in 5 years!

09/17/14 11:31 AM #57    


Lowell Hinsdale

It was great to attend our RRHS Graduation Reunion and renew old friendships. I send a special thank you to the folks that voiced concern for my welfare when I did not make it to the Friday event. It is my observation that we are all doing damn well in the health department for as young as we are (smile). In my case, thank you jim beam and budweiser (ha). I also want to thank the organizing committee for doing such a bang-up job. However, I suggest future reunions should take a group photo plus acknowledge our departed classmates by observing a moment of silence. Finally, best wishes to all, be safe, and enjoy each day to the fullest!!



09/17/14 02:42 PM #58    


Stephen Myers

I have attended two reunions, both were well worth the journey.  Our Fab Fifty was the best because my wife attended.  My, our classmates made her feel at home and she also agreed with me, you guys are the best. God willing we won't miss anymore.  

09/18/14 09:07 AM #59    


Barbara Geckler (Walton)

Hi to all on the 50th Reunion Committee.  What an incredible weekend!  It was so great seeing everyone, and of course no one has changed from our days at RRHS.  A special thank to the incredible job of organizing such a fun filled weekend.  We are back home in Georgia and looking forward to our 55th Reunion.  Great Job!  Barbe Geckler Walton.

09/18/14 12:23 PM #60    


Mary Lou McMillan (Elliott)

Our 50th reunion really was fabulous! Many thanks to those who spent time planning and organizing! In addition to catching up with classmates, I enjoyed hearing and watching the RRHS band and its director! The bottle opener made from or gym bleachers makes me smile. Thank you all!

09/18/14 08:39 PM #61    

Connie Demmon (Batterton)

I will echo all who have sent kudos to all who planned the reunion weekend.  I also want you to know how lovely the red roses still are!  We are enjoying them every day.   Super weekend; thanks to everyone.   Connie

10/23/14 11:56 AM #62    

Alene Lamprecht (Haydock)

Although very belated, I want to add my thanks to the committee for all their hard work putting together a FABULOUS 50th reunion!  The roses stayed beautiful for over a week and were a great momento.  Also, the bottle opener was a wonderful idea.  I truly enjoyed seeing the band Friday night as well as the tour of the school Saturday morning.  

I agree with Lowell that a remembrance of those no longer with us would be very fitting at our next reunion.  At my husband's 50th, there was a memorial table set up with a candle (votive) for each departed member with a name card.  It was easy to do and very well received.  Just a thought.

Again, thanks so much for a great weekend and all the time and effort it took to plan it.

Alene (Lamprecht) Haydock

10/23/14 09:04 PM #63    


Jim McCreary


Subject: 50th Reunion Pictures

Holy Mackerel!

I looked at the reunion pictures, and I recognized most of these people, but they looked so OLD! I guess I have mixed feelings about not going. It would have been fun, but I just would have been reminded how much time has passed, and HOW I DON'T LOOK SO HOT EITHER! 

I guess it's gratifying  to know I'm not the only one who looks like sh&%!

Thanks to you who went, for being so brave, and exposing yourselves to scrutiny!

Jim McCreary



10/25/14 02:16 PM #64    

Joan Kelley (Barrow)

Just wanted to say I enjoyed looking at all the reunion pictures and trying to figure out who was who. It looked like a lot of fun and well organized. Thank you all for posting so many pictures. It made me feel at least a little more connected even in absentia.

Take care and well wishes to all for the upcoming holidays!

Joan Kelley Barrow

10/26/14 12:15 PM #65    


Susan Kunze (Kmetz)

I agree it was great to see the pics.  I recall that while looking at the pics from the last reunion, I thought how nice it would have been to read name tags and with these pics, I was able to read some; however, some were not even needed such as Marsha Jennings and a few others.  Sorry, guys, you were more difficult to ID!

10/27/14 12:33 PM #66    


Phyllis Manning (Burt)

I totally agree with that! Hope to see you at the 55th!

10/27/14 01:43 PM #67    

John Alhstrom

Dear everyone .  There were special circumstances why I was not there or I would have.   However, I enjoy the comments and pics.  I think I did good reading name tags off my phone and not my computer. Time flys and I think most of us have aged well . Others found the Fountain of Youth and been doing shots with its liquid. Mr. Walker and Ms Schroder ! Lol.   Lowell , as a fellow brown liquor drinker we would get along fine . Hope you ok!  



11/11/14 01:07 PM #68    


Lowell Hinsdale

Happy Veteran's Day to all of our classmates that served !!  Thanks for serving and God Bless The USA !!



12/13/14 08:53 PM #69    


Terry Mone (Mone)

Hey, from the 50th Bash Pics, looks like we (me & the missus) missed out on a good time.  We'd been planning to attend for a long time, but then things happened this past year that culminated in preventing us from going.  Lord willing, we may be able to join y'al at the 55th.  Reid, you looked pretty mean weilding that pirate's sword.  Keep up the "good" work.          May everyone have a very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!             With Love & Peace-in-Christ, Terry & Diane

01/19/15 09:25 AM #70    


Gar Garland

Are you ready to start a Purple Heart Homes Chapter in your community?

Step up and take the lead! Help veterans aging in place in your community improve their lives by improving their homes.

03/01/15 07:30 PM #71    


Gar Garland

We finished a home in in South Euclid in 2012 for Demond Taylor and his wife Amber. Demond is an 82nd Airborne veteran. I asked my friend Maj. Gen. Chuck Swannack, former Commanding General of the 82nd Airborne who led Demond into battle, to come to the Mission Complete Ceremony in South Euclid for Demond. It made the ceremony all the more special for Demond and his wife.


11/11/15 09:27 AM #72    


Reid Douglas



I'm posting this at the request of Bill Roser, and as a veteran, I'd like to thank Bill for his kind words.


On this Veterans Day, thank you to all the RRHS Class of '64 grads who have served in the U.S. Military. Your service to your country is greatly appreciated and not taken for granted. A special thank you to those of you who served in Vietnam.

Bill Roser

11/28/15 10:02 AM #73    


Tom Allen

Enjoying the day after Thanksgiving with Chris Celebrezze, Marsha Jennings and Tim Brimus.


11/28/15 12:25 PM #74    

Marilyn "Genie" Merrell (Israel)

Looking good you four! Happy Holidays!

11/28/15 02:18 PM #75    


Gar Garland

Looking great!

11/29/15 11:31 AM #76    


Susan Kunze (Kmetz)

David Letterman look-alike!

11/29/15 12:52 PM #77    


Mary Mikridge (Hollomon)

Wow wish I was there!  Have a happy holiday season!

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