Paul Aiello

Profile Updated: September 8, 2008
Residing In: La Mesa, CA USA
Spouse/Partner: Peggy Humphries Aiello
Occupation: Concrete Contractor
Children: Meagan, born 2/85
Lindsay, born 1/87
Chelsea, born 8/93

Yes! Attending Reunion

Living in the same home in La Mesa since 1986, following our daughter's sporting pursuits in soccer, baseball & basketball. I've worked on alot of great projects over the years, including many @ the SD Zoo. Peggy & I have enjoyed taking really nice vacations over the years with our daughters. On Friday nights between the months of Nov.-Feb., you can still find me at a local High School gym; no, not playing anymore, but as a CIF basketball ref; once a gym rat, always a gym rat !

School Story:

Friday nights after football/basketball; buying 12 packs of "Heinys" with Woodrow & Wendall; cruisin' w/ the "Hulk" in the Weed Hopper to secluded areas to drink illegally purchased alcohol; Ron Dowd & Frank McFadden- it's OK, we all look alike! Square Pan & hours of "Breakout"; Slam dunks @ Andrew Jackson, loser drops trow in front of Swenson's- man that was COLD! Meeting my future wife-now thats a story! P.S.- Still can't believe you're gone Woody-
it seems just like yesterday.

First off, I think all of us who attended Saturday night's Reunion owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Bea, Claire, Liz G., Liz W., Barbara, Wendy and if I'm forgetting anyone please forgive me. As with any event like this, sometimes the anticipation leading up to it can be greater than the event itself. Not in this case. You all did an awesome job, and for myself, I had a great time.
The only disappointment of course is that you only have 5-6 hours to catch up with people you haven't seen for, in some cases, 30 years.

I was blown away by the sincerity and the kindness of so many people, seeing people like Kevin Wigs, Bernstein, Timmy Q, having a chance to hang with my "paisan" Greg, my "brutha from anutha mutha" Ron Dowd, some of my old mates from Rolando Park. Ladies like Mary S., Francesca, Wendy Mc., you are as beautiful and real today as you all were then. And then Claire, you were, and always will be "MOM". It was too long; it was great reconnecting with you.

We all shared something fantastic at Crawford. Your race, social or economic status never made a difference to us. Regardless of who you hung out, we were all accepted, and that is so rare today as I travel to different High Schools and see the inter-action between students. Even after 30 years, the feelings we have for one another is genuine, and it's unique, and something I think we shouldn't lose a grip on.

And on that note, I raise my hand to suggest that we should lay the groundwork for the Class of 78's 35th. reunion, and yes I would be more than happy to participate in it's organization in whatever way necessary.

We had a great thing goin' on 30 years ago; let's keep it going.

And once again, thanks to all you committee members- it was a blast!


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Feb 10, 2020 at 1:33 AM
Paul Aiello has a birthday today.
Feb 10, 2019 at 1:33 AM
Paul Aiello has a birthday today.
Feb 10, 2018 at 1:33 AM
Paul Aiello has a birthday today.
Feb 10, 2017 at 1:33 AM
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Feb 10, 2016 at 1:33 AM
Paul Aiello has a birthday today.
Feb 10, 2015 at 1:33 AM