Judi Sims Davis

Profile Updated: April 16, 2017
Residing In Unionville, TN USA
Spouse/Partner Sam Davis
Occupation Happily Retired
Children Sam and I got married in 1969 and we both had factory jobs until 2000 then we bought a small country More…store and ran it for eleven years .We sold it 2011 after I had a brain aneurysm in 2007 and was in a coma in Vanderbilt for a month .At this time we are owners of rental properties and about 17 acres of land and are enjoying our lives and grandchildren Sam is working at Lowe's part time in paint department

I have one child Chad Davis he has honored his Father and I with three beautiful Grandchildren Nikki Davis age 20 is studying nursing at MTSU then we have Rilley 13 and Brycen 11 both are students at Community Middle School my real job is Wife Mother and Nana.

Where else have you lived?

Just in Shelbyville and Unionville.

How often do you get back to Shelbyville?

Every week

What did you want to do or think you were going to be doing when you finished high school?


High points in your life since high school?

My friends

What are some things in your bucket list?

Travel and watching our Grandchildren grow up and become whatever they want to be and hopefully seeing Chad find that special some one to complete him.

How old do you feel?

sometimes younger but mostly I feel my age

Biggest thing that you would do different if you went back to your time at CHS?

Study harder and listen more to my Teachers

What would we be surprised to know about you?

That I have met my Angel when I was in a coma at Vanderbilt and I know that God healed me.

What your favorite memory of Central High School?

Singing in Chorus with my friend Ginger Owens

Least favorite memory of Central High School?

I enjoyed most of my years at high school

Your least favorite teacher at CHS and why?

I liked most of my teachers I should have paid more attention to them all

Your favorite teacher at CHS and why?

Monty Thomas and of course Mr Thomas was fun and Mrs Eakin really made you very knowledgeable.Mrs Eakin was the sweetest retest lady and. Think she honestly cared a bout her students.

Famous or interesting people you've met?

The wonderful Dr Shay in 2007 that fixed my aneurysm. When Sam and I had our store in Unionville we met all types of people and made alot of friends there We had quite a few characters that came in daily.

How did you met your spouse?

I met my Sam at the Cellar in Shelyville and we dated 3 months and got married on may 30 1969and November 15 1973 we had our son Chad Davis

Any words of wisdom?

If you ever buy a convenience store know you will spend your life working a lot of hours and never be at home any lol

Favorite vacation place? Why?

We enjoy going to Pigeon Forge for a weekend getaway This last December we took a cruise to Progressa and Cozumel with my two Brothers and their wives We enjoyed our selves very much. We are planning on going to Bahama's and to Belieze next.

Ever been on TV if so why and when?

Right about the time we bought our store the!Y built the fire school atDeason and channel4 NEWS interviewedme about how much business we would get from the school.

When was the last time that you belly laughed?

I laugh a lot because I read books and I have a Grandson who is so funny he makes me laugh a lot

How do you relax?

I love to read and I enjoy being outside andsitting on my Porch and watching the squirrels and birds and any other critters

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Dec 26, 2016 at 11:13 PM
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Posted: Dec 26, 2016 at 11:13 PM
