Pat Bonds Richards

Profile Updated: July 5, 2017
Residing In Madison, AL USA
Spouse/Partner A. T. Richards MD. deceased
Occupation Acute care nurse practitioner
Children ERIC Alexander Richards

graduated from UAH 1996 with a Masters in ACNP (my last degree)

School Story

I enjoyed Mrs. Price. Marketing in my senior year. Mrs. Price had faith in me, which gave me the courage to come out of my shell and helped me to accomplished my career in nursing.

Where else have you lived?

Madison Al.

How often do you get back to Shelbyville?

maybe once a year

What did you want to do or think you were going to be doing when you finished high school?

I had considered to devote my life as a Nun, however, life happened as it was meant to be.

High points in your life since high school?

becoming a mom to my Eric.
becoming a grandmother to my 2 granddaughters.

What are some things in your bucket list?

Becoming a dog trainer for therapy dogs
traveling to Washington State, alaska, Canada.

How old do you feel?

What day is it?

Biggest thing that you would do different if you went back to your time at CHS?

I was very shy and did not get to know many people. Would be more outgoing.

What would we be surprised to know about you?

I am dyslexic. I always considered myself stupid, however, finally tested in college.

What your favorite memory of Central High School?

Marketing classes, that is when I started to become more open and willing to let people in.

Least favorite memory of Central High School?

I rather think every experience in HS led me to the life I am living today

Your least favorite teacher at CHS and why?


Your favorite teacher at CHS and why?

Mrs. Price. She helped me to believe in myself.

Famous or interesting people you've met?


How did you met your spouse?

Nursing school

Any words of wisdom?

Live life with passion.

Favorite vacation place? Why?

loved every place I traveled.

Ever been on TV if so why and when?

do not ever want to be on TV

When was the last time that you belly laughed?

Molly, my 2yr. old golden does something funny everyday, so today.

How do you relax?

Dog training my Molly. Not sure who is training who.

Pat's Latest Interactions

Jul 12, 2017 at 10:13 AM
Pat Bonds Richards added a photo to her profile gallery.
Dec 30, 2016 at 8:32 AM
Posted: Dec 30, 2016 at 8:32 AM
