2023 50yr Reunion Golf & extras

7-15-23 Arroyo Seco Golf Course

Where the turf meets the Wash

Tiger Alum Tournament


Third Place Team

Mike & Barby Darby Cahill, Rob Feinstein, Bruce Windoffer


Second Place Team

David Gerletti, Brett Batchelor, Mark Simmons, Bill Edwards


First Place Team

Scott Trimbath, Jim Griffin, Wendy Gute, Bob Koch, Stan Suter


Bob Koch, Don McCue, Mike & Barby Cahill, Jim Griffin, Stan Suter, Wendy Gute, Brett Batchelor, Rob Feinstein, Scott Trimbath, Mark Simmons, Bill Edwards,                   Bruce Windoffer, David Gerletti


Some of those who missed the reunion

Adriana Ocampo

Hi 1973 Tigers,  I’m sorry I missed the reunion but here is a photo as request.   All the best,  Adriana


Anne Taliaferro

Here’s a photo of me that was taken just a few days ago here in The Netherlands where I’m visiting.


Robert “Bob” Hunt and wife Becky


Catherine Clark—SPHS, class of 1973.  (Sorry to miss the 50th reunion, but here’s a recent photo of me for your website.)


Patricia Moody Lane


Jill Dombrowski Cordell


Lori Martin Lehman and daughter Lexi

She missed seeing everyone.


Debbie Wells Bonnell

Mark Fetterhoff, Debbie Wells Bonnell


Karen Barron 


Arata Matsushita

Hello 50 years old Tigers!! I can tell that you all had a wonderful time at the 50th anniversary party. I wanted to participate, but unfortunately I was not able to attend due to time constraints and not being able to go out right away,,, I wish I could drive from Japan!!! I saw many of my old friends in the picture and I felt nostalgic. I now live in Japan and am working with American and Canadian partners, so I go to New York and Calgary several times a year, but I don't have opportunities to go to South Pasadena, or southern California. Thanks to the advanced technology, I have already connected with several people, but I would be happy if you could connect with me on Facebook or LinkedIn. Lastly, please let me thank Debbie for giving me a chance to send my recent photo. I hope to see you again soon. When you have a chance to come to Japan, please contact me. See you soon !! Go Tigers!!


Kim Cottingham


Javier Mendoza


Karen Cifford Romano

Greetings from The Catskills. Sorry to have missed the fun this year.


Frank Salas


Steve & Susan Owens

Best wishes for peace and happiness.


Debbie Chiat


Linda Dillon Cereseto

Sorry I missed the reunion.


Kathy Olson Bobbio and Tessa


Michael Flores



Jim Lovell


Sally (Sarah O'Donnell) Schultzman & husband

So sorry that I missed our reunion If you are out in the Inland Empire and want to play pickleball (my addiction) sometime, let me know.


Tony McCallum


Cynthia Harris Brunson


Christine Sinclair Limon and husband Gary

Agnes (Angie) Regos Lehman and daughters

hello All,

Sorry to have missed the big five O.  Here is a recent pic of me and my daughters at Jalama Beach, CA



Lenora Cimino Hartwell & daughter Michele


Pete Lexy

I've missed all reunions. The least l can do is send a picture. Hope all's well.


Linda Saunders Ogg

I'm so sorry I missed the 50th


Jenne Modisett Ring


Hopefully more to come!