Missing Classmates

If you know where these Classmates are please share our web address with them:
If you know the email address for any Classmate below you can click on the Classmate's name to quickly send an email invitation to our site.

Mark Abrams
Antoinette Arcala
Susan Beal
Craig Berning
Sylvia Brown (Allred)
Tom Chandler
Carl Chapman
Debra Chiat
Carol Cloren
Kevin Clover
Florence Coletta (Rice)
Kevin Coombs
John Davis
Fred DeLisio
Lynn Demaree
Amhayes Demessie
Gwen Dunkijacobsnolten
David Dycaico
Tom Edwards
Mark Figgins
Robert Geary Foster
Raymond Frederick
Elizabeth Garcia (Martinez)
Joi Gillett
Belinda Gonzalez
Charlene Graves (Stevens)
Kathy Gray
Sylvia Greenfield (Schroll)
Kim Griswold
Donna Gunderson (Brigham)
Lyle Hansen
Lee Henry
Dennis Hill
Ronnie Ho
Carol Holmes
Robert Hom
Debbie Hughes
Laurie Jennings
Mr. Larry Johnson
Gary Jones
John Jones
Karen Kim
Nathan King
Robin King (Woods)
Laszlo Kovacs
Cheryl Kraft (Martell)
Brian Kramer
Holly Kraus
Gary Kudo
Linda Lange
Kendall Lee
Norman Lee
Lucinda Lieder
Jim Love
John T Madigan
Terry Matheny (Bay)
Susan McAdams (Howell)
Dennis McCarthy
Kenny McMurray
Dennis McPhillips
Kathleen Miller
Kim Miller (Polcyn)
E. Scott Morrow
Ched Myers
S. Mike Nunez
Steve Owens
Robert Owiecki
Linda Palmtag
Debbie Pardus
Susan Parker
Loree Peet (Wick)
Harry E Petersen
Myriam Polanco (Owiecki)
Greg Pugsley
Carol Reeve (Prichard)
John Richardson
Steve Rumohr
Rich Ryder
Kathy Salomonson
Doreen Sam
Teresa Sam
Seishiro Sato
Kathy Sharp (Cowell)
Darryl Shibata
Mark Siebert
Robert Sigafoos
Pat Silvestri
Cathy Smith (Toffoli)
Edie Snow (Street)
Judith Stemmler
Julia Stemmler
John Stewart
Richard Stimson
Debra Stone (Thorson)
Deanna Teeters (Cordova)
Colleen Terry
Randy Torres
Kevin Trout
Yoshi Tsuchiya
John Urness
Brenn VonBibra
Steve Wight
Margaret Willis (Ryan)
Becky Winter (Lewis)
Bambi Yamamoto
Bill Zeile
