In Memory

Larry Higgins VIEW PROFILE

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04/22/11 12:49 PM #1    

Greg Peterson

To our fellow Saxon classmate Larry, may you rest in peace. We will honor you at our "30" reunion this summer.

04/22/11 09:47 PM #2    

Jed Forehand

Larry was killed in an automobile accident in Germany where he was serving in the US Army. This was back in 1983, if my memory is still right. I was on my way to the funeral in Spokane from Washington State University when the cooling system on my 1972 Ford Ranchero blew a hole in a three inch rubber tube, leaving me stranded halfway between Pullman and Spokane. I always figured that was Larry's final practical joke on me!

04/22/11 11:48 PM #3    

Valerie Lyson

 I was in English with Larry during our freshman year. He made me laugh, and I loved sitting near him. When I saw his senior photo again after all these years, he made me smile. He kind of reminds me of Shaggy from Scooby Doo in his senior pic.

Larry was a very amiable guy. It makes me sad that he didn't have the long life that we have had so far.

I appreciate hearing about when he died because I never knew. Thank you, Jed, for sharing your story with us.


04/24/11 01:05 PM #4    

Kenney Johnson

Rest in peace my fellow Saxon.  You won't be forgotten.

04/27/11 11:31 AM #5    

Andy Walker

Larry was a music lover and a great drummer.  He and I would sit and listen to albums from all genre of music, of course he liked KISS the best.  He was a huge fan of Neil Peart from Rush.  I was in Bozeman when I heard the sad news.  It is funny how he has popped back into my consciousness through the years.  I really enjoyed Larry's company and sense of humor.

08/15/11 10:15 PM #6    

Kenney Johnson

Hey Buddy,

Our 30 is just right around the corner, sure wish you be with us.  I know you will be looking down on us with that infectious smile.  You will be honored my old friend.


08/21/11 08:26 AM #7    

Kenney Johnson


We honored you with a military tribute last night.  We also released a balloon for you.  Look for it in heaven, it's white with a flashing light.


09/15/12 11:04 AM #8    

Zane Stephens

Larry was a kind person and good friend.  He as many of you know had a great sense of humor!  We miss you Larry.

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