Missing Classmates


Missing Classmates:

Below are the classmates for whom we have no email, street address or phone number.  If you know where any of these classmates are, please let us know.  Perhaps , if you are in contact with any of them or have an address, email or phone number, you could send them a note or give them a call and let them know about this web site.  Just let Bob Karn (bobkarn3@gmail.com) know and he will make sure they are invited to the web site and receive any mailings.

Mark Heady
R. G. Hicks
Robert Hosto
William Jones
Steven Lopato
Bill Marohan
James Martin
Carl Matthews
John Moll
George Norwich
Mike Putzel
Ed Steinback
Larry Weis
Roy Whisler
Doyle White
William Zellmann
