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•   Rick Ahrens  1/12
•   Bill Parker  11/25
•   Chuck Sieloff  8/30
•   Bob Karn  2/2
•   Jim Rothschild  1/23
•   Charles C (Charlie) Barnett III  1/22
•   Sandy Galt  6/11
•   Dieter Brand  5/13
•   Tom Drake  4/30
•   Fred Deyo  4/29
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1 lives in Alabama
2 live in Arizona
1 lives in Arkansas
6 live in California
1 lives in Delaware
4 live in Florida
3 live in Georgia
1 lives in Hawaii
1 lives in Kansas
1 lives in Kentucky
1 lives in Maine
1 lives in Minnesota
1 lives in Mississippi
14 live in Missouri
1 lives in New York
1 lives in Pennsylvania
1 lives in Wisconsin
1 lives in Alberta
1 lives in France
16 location unknown
23 are deceased


•   Fred McCoy  10/8
•   John Ochsner  10/12
•   Mike Mullins  10/16



Percentage of Joined Classmates: 60.7%

A:   37   Joined
B:   24   Not Joined
(totals do not include deceased)


Know the email address of a missing Classmate? Click here to contact them!


•   Larry Knight  2024
•   Buddy Bettman  1994
•   David Mitchell  2017


There are, quite literally, hundreds of people who could have spoken eloquently about the life of Denny Wedemeyer and the things he did and the lives he touched.  I will most certainly leave large blanks where cherished memories of him should be.  You can all fill those to the brim when you think of Denny, as you will until the day you join him in that final adventure. Covering a span of more than eighty years in a few minutes is bound to do his courage and humor and deep humanity an injustice.

To say he was a well-respected and liked by everyone who knew him would be more than an understatement.  Many of us have known him for more than sixty-five years.

As our class president at country Day School back then, we were indeed well led.  While there, he accumulated more nicknames than my failing memory can count … a sure sign of universal affection.

Wacker, Weffelmeyer, Weeds, Tallywacker

And my favorite, Dort, which was bestowed on him after Roy Battenberg ,our German teacher, accused him of having a mind clouded by too much Dortmunder Beer.

But one of the most endearing things about Denny was his mind…very unclouded, incredibly curious and sparked with enthusiasms ranging from history to science to music and opera.  The last of which he was happy to demonstrate at the drop of a hat…”You know the part in Tristan and Isolde where it goes BUMM TI BUMM BUMMM BOOOM !!!!

Of course I didn’t… but I never failed to enjoy Denny’s performance of it.  My apologies now….Denny requested this.

He would raise his arms and puff his chest and belt out a Bertold Brecht number by heart, “Ceasar volte mit den schwert regerin und ein messer hat einselbst gefelt”. Apologies to Dieter and Roy Battenberg for that very bad rendition.

Entire flawless passages of Shakespeare would flow out alongside bits from Beyond the Fringe. To be around Denny was to be constantly entertained and edified.

If this gives you some idea of how Denny never let his life-long problems with Diabetes get in the way of his considerable lights, then, I have done him some justice.

On the serious side of his nature, he was a man of soft words and firm opinions which he was always willing to express and laudably able to change if the evidence called for it.

He was justifiably proud of his service as a Federal Prosecutor.  Denny was never a fan of bad guys. And he carried that strong sense of justice with him in all his dealings… not just the courtroom.

He brought a sense of wonder to everything he did and a humility that allowed him to take real joy the accomplishments of his friends and family.  He had a confidence in himself that precluded any envy and allowed him to really embrace as his own what others in his circle of friends and family accomplished.

And friendship defined Denny. Wherever he studied, lived or worked. In Vienna, his beloved Michigan, Country Day School, Princeton and this church ...Everywhere he went he belonged and created lasting friendships.

Only a very few of us can claim life-long friends and Denny was rich with them. Being his friend was a gift of permanent worth. This is evidenced clearly by how many airline reservations were made and miles were traveled just to be here today.

And, he was so very proud of his family…his beloved wife Susan who was his true helpmate in all the things he enjoyed or endured, and his children, Ann and Tony, Claire and Lou and Theo and Piper who brought him such unbridled pride and produced the grandchildren who were a constant source of happiness in his last decades here on earth.

Those of us who knew Denny well should all count ourselves incredibly lucky to have been able to share his life … even a little bit of it.  Every one of those lives he touched was more complete because of it.

We will miss you Dort.


September 2021 Holtman Cup

KEEPING UP A MULTI-YEAR TRADITION - Annual Holtman Cup Codasco golf tournament foursome from left in case we do not look familiar; Bob Karn, Harry Weber, Sandy Galt and Dixie Deibel. We were by far the oldest group in the field as next closest foursome was class of 1967. The day was almost a washout and carts were not permitted., so we had to hoof it. Thanks to Sandy we had two robot type hand carts (see pickture below) to help us make it through the 95 degree day. The tournament committee was not kind to us as for a shotgun start at the Bogey Club we were sent out in an unorganized effort to reach the 13 tee box. We have won this event in the past but the rules and secretness of the results did not lead to a victory. We had a great time in catching up on our lives.

Battery operated walking cart turned over by operator, Sandy.;Dixie and Harry pay respect.


For more pictures of the 50th reunion visit the Picture Gallery.

Here we were at our 25th Reunion. 

The picture below is the graduating Class of 1960.

The picture below is the Class 8 picture of the Class of 1960.