25th Reunion Photos

It is hard to believe that our 25th Class of 1960 Reunion was almost 25 years ago.  We thought it would be fun to share some of the memories.  The weekend started with a Pig Roast at the Karn's home on Wednesday May 22, 1985.  On Thursday was a lunch at Schneithorst's followed by softball and dinner at the school featuring Dean Don Webb.  After that we all were hosted by the Wedemeyer's for a later dinner.  On Friday golf, Tennis and a float trip organized by the McPheeters' were the afternoon activities followed by a dinner/dance at the Galt's.  It was great fun and wonderful memories for all that were able to attend.  I think a pretty accurate count was that we had about thirty class attendees plus wives for the 25th.  We are sad to report that three of our classmates have passed since our 25th; John Caspari, Ken Hancock and Joe Hickey.  For memories of the great lives of these three classmates please see "In Memory".  Some memorable pictures from our 25th follow:  [Had we all changed much from 1960 to 1985 - you bet we had.  Have we changed much more from 1985 to the present - I doubt it but we shall see!]
