In Memory

Laddie Hamilton

Laddie Hamilton

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07/12/16 02:14 PM #1    

Bill Parker

Here's my handful of memories of Laddie Hamilton.  Laddie got a new Chervolet Impala convertible for his 16th birthday and drove it to my house in Ferguson to show it off.  It was several decades before I achieved such a new car.  Laddie and I were co-managers of the A baseball team in our junior year, 1959.  He always talked about wanting to manage hotels.  After our 50th reunion in 2010, I wrote to Laddie and found out that he and I had been in artillery at Fort Sill, Oklahoma at the same time in 1968 without knowing it at the time.  He was in a regular unit and I was in Artillery OCS.  I hope he had a good life.

07/13/16 02:07 PM #2    

Bradford Gamblin

I too remember Laddie Hamilton as a classmate and friend.  

I especially remember his Father one Saturday Laddie and me out to the Ozark Airlines DC 3 maintenance shop.  Once there his father, the President of Ozark, took us on a radio test  flight in one of the DC 3s.. I sat in the right seat for a few minutes and actually flew the airplane.  Laddie also got to fly for a few minutes.  I believe this was the start of my interest in aviation leading to my becoming a private pilot in later years.

Brad Gamblin


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