Classmate Profiles (1964)

     Contains profile information: 24
     Profile contains photos: 4
     In Memory: 15
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 12
     Military Service: 11
   Restricted to Classmates only


Show by:    A-Z    Last Updated: 24    Newest Members: 24    Latest Comments: 16  

Don Alme    
Mike Bashor     
Kari Beeson  
Roger Bergstrom    
Kenny Berthelote   
Pam Britt (Simon Keeling)   
Cynthia Canfield
Randi Clark (Samsal)  
David Cook   
Gary Danliker
Pat Darner (Moffatt)  
Pat Darner (Moffat)
Marlene Doughty (Blair)
Fred Dwello  
Mary Fargher (Townshend)  
Tom Faulkner     
Larry Fitzpatrick   
Cheryl Garwick (Erskine)  
John German    
Bruce Gillespie  
Diana Gottfried (Hoffa)  
Danny Green   
Debra Haines   
Richard Hallingstad
Steve Hammer    
Hugh Hegle   
Bruce Hogan   
Lynn Hough
Joan Hovland (Sanders)   
Marilyn Irgens (Greenley)   
Charles Jansky
Carol Kimmet
Michael Kimmet  
Les Kohles  
Lynne Marshall (Neer)    
Lyle Mathews    
Cathy McNett
Tim Meagher   
Robert Mercer    
Gary Robinson   
Glenn Ruckdaschel  
Kathy Samsal   
Lucille Sauby (Knaup)   
Keith Smith    
Sharon Sonnemaker  
Ray Springer    
Donald Styles   
Dian Suta (Patrick)   

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