North Toole County
High School
Classes of 1930 - 2023
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Annie (Dunk)
Diane (Fauque)
Judith (Puckett)
Sally (Aschim)
Sophie (Gottfried)
Susan Ehlers
Lynn Ahrens
Larry Allen
Al Althoff
Mary Ann Anderson
Ruth Argersinger
Rick Aschim
Mildred Avery
Steve Babcock
Alyce Baker
Marion Baker
Barb Ballantyne
Brian Barrows (Barrows)
Diana Barsness
Gary Bays
Paul Beatty
Cindy Bebee (Bebee)
Amanda Becker
Ann Beecher (Koepke)
Daryl Benner
James Bergene
Paul Berger
Dwight Billedeaux
Russ Biniek
Shirley Blake
Sharon Booth
Walter Bourrett
Ben Bradbury
Virginia Bradford
Marty Brimhall
Alice Brownell
G. Newton Buker
Monty Burt
Sharon Burton
Mike Button
Larry Cady
Cynthia Chauner
F. E. Christopherson
Randy Cline
Judy Conley
Mr. Cramer
Carl Crowe
James Cutts
Jean Davis
Ken DeVries
Miss. Dolven
Bob Donovan
Paul Dorrance
Shannon Dunk
Don Edwards
Paul Eggen
Ilen Egger
Ross Ellis
Larry Fauque
Mylynn Felt
Kathleen Fladager (Carlton)
Floyd Frost
Violet Gallup
Ed Godley
Ron Gore
Ann Graham (Berger)
Ward Guthrie
Anjeanette Haas
Fern Haines
Merle Haines
Leota Halter (Nichols)
John Hamilton
Chuck Harlan
Brad Haugen
Tami Hauschulz
Carmaine Hayes
Lydia Heagy
Lillian Heald
Janet Heilig
Bruce Hogan
Bill Hoppes
Al Hunt
John Hvidsten
Miss. Jacobson
Marilyn Jarland
Robin Johannsen
Helen Johnson
Kathy Johnson
Ginny Jones
Lynn Jones (Mugaas)
Nick Jurkovich
Carol Karst
Heide Keibel
Joe Keller
Mollie Keller
Shirley Kelley
Shirley Kelson
Don Kennedy
Sue Kimmet (Gaubatz)
Jack Kline
Mrs. Knutson
Thomas Kocher
Sharon Kolstad
Norm Krause
Gordon Kron
David Larin
Levi Larson
Hazen Lawson
Teri Lee (Iverson)
Nina Leedham
Chuck Lewellen
Madeline Linnell
Nancy Linnell (Schilling)
James Longin
Howard Love
Mr. Lunden
Bill MacInally
Romulas Malone
Shelly Marra
Ross Marshall
Sara Martin
May Mauritsen
Vern Mauritsen
Jeredene Mayfield
John (Max) McAllister
Willam McAnally
Blanche McManus (Taft)
Virgina McMillen
Mr. Meyer
Hali Miller (Richmond)
Michael Miller
Mary Moffat
Colleen Morgan (Gillund)
Peggy Morrow (Kimmet)
William "Bill" Moss
Larry Moye
Mrs. Munson
Tom Nau
Gerald Nelson
Debbie Nickerson (Brandon)
Alice Nostdahl (Taft)
Terry Olson
Hugh Ouellette
Bernice Paisley
Delores (Marie) Mangold Peck
Tom Peck
Ginny Pinard
Miss. Pipinich
Roberta Pond
Heath Poser
Gordon Puckett
Marvin Quandt
Bertha Dean Rankin (Bucher)
Geof Rohriach
Dennis Roseleip
Carol Ross
Alan Ryan
Joyce Ryan
Kris Ryan
Jay Santy
Joyce Schrammeck
Paul Schrammeck
Gail Shatkus
M T Haines Short Story Writer
Natalie Simmes (Kerfoot)
Laurie Simonson
Mr. Skillman
Elizabeth Smith
Bernie Sorenson
Mr. Sprankle
Lynn Stein
John Stibel
Mr. Stinnette
Gretrude Stonestreet
Doris Sundstad (Larsen)
Marilyn Swanson
Robert Swanson
D. R. Taft
Dorothy Takarchuck
Stan Taylor
Chrissie Tharp
Tim Tharp
Bill Thompson
Curt Thompson
Anthony Tognetti
Philip Turck
Lynn Utterback
Arthur Vender
Miss. Verlanic
Beth Volbrecht
Chris Weiss
Michael Weller
Mr. Williams
Lloyd Wills
Gaye Wilson (Bungart)
Virginia Wolfe
Howard Woodward
Mrs. Yarlett
Charles Zadra
Mary Ann Zorn
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