North Toole County High School
Classes of 1930 - 2023
Help and Questions
Q1: I received a message in my email saying that I have a message from someone on the site, but can't figure out how to read the messages?
A1: In order to retrieve your messages from the site you must be logged in. To login to the site enter your email address and password in the Login box on the Home Page:
After you are logged in you will see text that says you have XX new messages. Just click on the text and you will be able to read and respond to your messages.
Q2: I need to update or change my profile information on the site or add pictures to my profile, but can't figure out how to do it?
A2: You must be logged into the site to make these changes (See Q1). Once logged in you will see options to change your personal info (Edit Profile) or add pictures (Edit/Upload Photos) under the member functions heading on the left side of the page.
Q3: I plan to attend the all year reunion. How do I register? Or, who do I notify? Or, I didn't see any place to indicate my plan to attend when I edited my profile.
A3: If you haven't done it yet the first thing you need to do is register for the site by finding your name in the CLASSMATE DIRECTORY. You can then register for the event and make your payment by clicking on the 2016 All Class Reunion Registration link.
Select the yes button, and then click on "Save Changes." The site software accumulates the number people who have indicated they plan to attend by selecting the "yes" button.
Q4: I tried to enter profile information for a deceased family member, but wasn't able to. How do I update an "In Memory" profile?
A4: Only site administrators can enter information in the "In Memory" section. You can mail the text and any photos to the site administrators. The text and photos will be posted and you will be notified. If you have corrections or additonal material to add, you can send that to the site adminstrator you have been working with, or to any of the administrators.
Any other questions can be emailed to