Classmate Profiles (1988)

     Contains profile information: 10
     Profile contains photos: 4
     In Memory: 1
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 1
   Restricted to Classmates only


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Kari Alstad (Kinyon)
Lester Beach
Kurt Bush   
Lowell Bye
John Dekoning
Carla Habets
Jay Halvorson   
Valerie Holland (McAlpine)   
Donica Holman
Curt Johnson   
Bryan Jones
Philip Kimmet   
Tom Nau    
Ray Peltier
Ivete Philips
Brad Postma
Melissa Ray (Kulbeck)   
Ron Reighard  
Jason Samsal   
Gina Stivahtis (Stivahtis Lowe)  
Curt Taule
Melissa Taylor (Ostberg)    
Roxanne Vincent

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