Classmate Profiles (2005)

     Contains profile information: 20
     Profile contains photos: 9
     In Memory: 1
     Contains "In Memory" entry: 1
   Restricted to Classmates only


Show by:    A-Z    Last Updated: 20    Newest Members: 20    Latest Comments: 3  

Nate Aschim  
Dustin Bailey  
Troy Baker
Dustin Baldwin   
Matt Blair   
Aric Clark  
Ben Dubbe
Fred Fairhurst   
Todd Fleisher  
Brady Ford  
Brooke Gillund (Knowles)    
Amy Gottfried (Eikomstead)  
Aaron Haugen    
Luke Horgus    
Shane Horgus   
Brittany Kennedy (Gardiner)   
Derrick Kimmet   
Rachel Kleinert   
Ashli Martin
Chris McFadden
Ashley Misquez  
Amy Morley
Wade Myers
Tyler Scalese    
Stanton Schulze
Noah Smith
Cherry Tomsheck (Supalla)    
Adam Wabeke   
Jamie Wallewein (Smith)  
John Walls

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