Jeanne Holtz Fairhurst

Profile Updated: June 10, 2016
Class Year: 1968
Residing In: Sunburst, MT USA
Spouse/Partner: Ronald Fairhurst
Occupation: Retired (2013)
Children: Maggie, born 1984; Fred, born 1987
Yes! Attending Reunion

Ron and I have been married since 1984 and have lived in the same house for that long. Our son, Fred, graduated from Wyotech in Laramie, WY. After working locally for a few years, he is now working on the family farm and will be the next generation on our home place and the fourth generation on the land that was homesteaded by my grandfather, Fred Holtz, Sr. Maggie graduated from MSU and PNSWU. She will complete her residency for Internal Medicine at Cleveland, OH in June and move to Chicago to complete a two year fellowship in Critical Care. Ron is self employed as a farmer and other jobs too numerous to list. I retired from the Sunburst School District after 13 years and am enjoying a slower pace of life and am doing a lot of things that I didn't have time for. Still play the music for the Sunburst Methodist Church. Started that when I was a sophomore at NTC. Guess I'm part of the furniture by now!!

School Story:

Not a school story... just a note to say that the last reunion was wonderful and anyone who was unable to attend really missed a great time. There were many there that I didn't get to see or visit with, but I really enjoyed visiting with the ones I did see. I hope everyone will try to come to the next reunion in 2016.