In Memory

Tim Meyer - Class Of 1975

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03/10/09 09:39 PM #1    

Julie Guszregan (Buchman) (1975)

I am so glad someone included Bear. I know he didn't graduate with us, but he was a part of us. He was the most wonderful friend and I have so many memories of him. I could talk to him about anything and he would listen. I remember the last time I saw him. Sue, Scott, Timmer and I did a trip to Glacier. Of course, we got a late start and ended up going through Browing in the evening. We stopped in Browning to get some gas, and when Timmer gets back in the car, he tells us we are going to a house party. NOT! I made him drive my car as fast as he could to get out of that one. I remember his laugh. He and I were dancing one time and he had the long hair and of course he was tossing it all around. I joined in - even though my hair was short. Ahh, memories. I love and miss you Bear. Julie Guszregan Buchman

Do you all remember the annual Cabaret dances that were held? Timmy was my first date in junior high school (somewhere between 6th and 8th grade). I can still see us walking down the sidewalk to go to the dance and I had my arm around him cuz he was so short.

Can't help it, the memories just keep coming.

Do you all remember this? Picture it, Biology and the time has come to do some disecting. Do you remember Timmer coming in to the class with his fresh kill of gophers?????

03/10/09 10:19 PM #2    

Sue Lasher (McMinn) (1975)

you forgot to mention the fact that I had to go into the Brown Jug for all of you chickens.........gas wasn't the only thing we stopped for!!!!

(Added 3.15.09)
I must add that I remember lots of fun times with Timmer...he was a fun-loving kind of guy.....always had a twinkle in his eye!!!! always watched out for me and Jules... a wonderful part of my younger year memories!!!!

Sue Lasher McMinn

03/12/09 09:01 AM #3    

Brad Feehan (1975)

It was great seeing the comments on BEAR...........My memories about him go back to the time before High School and him riding his "Riding Mower" all over town. At the time I thought that was so cool, and I wished my parents would have bought me a riding mower. He was probably the first person in our class to have his "wheels". Other memories about Bear always include getting our Class Floats ready. I remember working (well being there/the girls did all the work) on the floats in the wood shop area and at my Dad's shop. Those were great times and you could always count on Bear doing something funny and making us laugh....He was a good person/classmate and his life was to short...........

05/18/09 07:47 PM #4    

Robert Wallace (1976)

Timmy was my BEST friend for years. So many stories to tell. We were at a kegger with everyone underage that got busted south of Sunburst. Tim and I got away with the kegs in my blue volkswagon/dunebuggy and headed off cross country. About an hour and a half later through the many coulees on Sims' place, we made it to Charlie Luckinbill's place, finished the party and never got busted.

Nearing the end I was pleased to read and share Bible scriptures and pray with him at the nursing home. It was very hard to see you like that, Bro. I'm glad you are in a better place. It was my honor to be your pall bearer-I love ya.

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