In Memory

Julie Aschim (Reis) - Class Of 1974

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06/15/09 09:28 AM #1    

Kathy Gottfried (Johnson) (1974)

What can I say about Julie except she was a sweetheart. She had that huge smile, and loved to laugh.

We first met as first or second graders at a Catholic church dinner. She and Jill were with Grama Benjamin (Herb Karst's grama), they were standing in line for the buffet table. I was very curious about these two girls with Grama. I knew Grama through my aunt, Lucille Karst, I thought how did these two little girls know Grama. I'm not sure I ever told Julie or Jill about my curiosity regarding them and Grama Benjamin.

I remember some of her favorite literature were romance novels. I got hooked on them too. I will never forget all the fun times whe had on our trips to state science fairs and all those music festivals we were part of. They were such a blast.

Julie, I do miss you, think of you often, girl. I was so glad we reconnected at our 10 year reunion. I know you are still smiling and laughing in Heaven. Love ya.


06/18/09 03:51 PM #2    

Teri Lyn Anderson (Ruff) (1974)

Some of my best childhood memories were spending weekend sleepovers with Julie & Jill, listening to Bobby Vinton records, singing to the top of our lungs and enjoying bible readings with their family. You are missed Julie.

07/09/09 12:53 AM #3    

Tracy Johannsen (1974)

I remember the first day of first grade. Most of us knew each other thanks to Mrs C's kindergarten class. I hope I'm remembering this correctly, but Julie and Jill were new to the class and very shy (unlike some of us....)They were sweet and came as a pair. In fact, "JulieandJill" was just one word for most of our childhood.

08/08/09 04:37 PM #4    

Wendy Paisley (Olson) (1974)

I remember all the fun times spending weekends with Julie and Jill out on their family's farm back way back in grade school. I always thought it was so neat to be able to ride the school bus to school on Monday morning (me being the City girl, ya' know!)

I also remember singing and dancing all night long (well, almost all night, until their parents sent us to bed). We used to sing and dance to, "Everybody Loves a Clown" by Gary Lewis and The Playboys, etc. We were pretty good at the choreography moves we made up, least WE thought we were!

I know you are still singing and dancing, Julie! Miss you lots! - Wendy Paisley Olson

10/24/09 06:08 PM #5    

Chris Harlan (Mount) (1974)

Singing and dancing in the basement on the Aschim farm with Julie and Jill were some of my best memories growning up in Sunburst. Julie had a super attitude about life. Miss you, Julie

01/22/10 08:16 PM #6    

Jill Aschim (Hauer) (1974)

Julie received her RN degree from Northern Montana College. She married Jack Reis, who was in the military. They were stationed in Oklahoma City, OK. She had 2 children, Jon and Jami. She was killed by a drunk driver while on her way to work on July 27, 1990. She was always a champion for the underdog. I know she treasured all the memories of her high school days. All the dance birthday parties where kids would unscrew the lights on our fake pointsetta plant. Mom and Dad would come down and turn them back on again. I still can't believe she's gone. All my best memories are connected to her. I was always so proud of her. She will be there in spirit at the reunion. I miss you sis. Jill

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