50th Class Reunion Trip Survey

The 50th reunion was a huge success thanks to all of you who attended and all of those working before and during the reunion.  It was much more than I ever dreamed it would be.

Let's not stop yet.  We discussed taking a reunion trip in the fall to Ruidodo.  Here is a survey to see how many would be interested, what dates, etc.  

Please take a moment to fill out the survey even if you are not interested.  

Looking forward to seeing many of you again soon!  Thank you all. 

1969 Greatest class EVER!!!!

You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

* Answer Required
1)   * Are you interested in going on a trip to Ruidoso in the fall with other classmates (spouses are invited too) if the dates work out for you?

  POSSIBLY (continue to include me in the plans)
2)   * We are thinking of doing this in October: Thursday-Sunday If you have an October date that would be OUT, please list it here. If you are open anytime, please state: NONE If we can't find an Oct. date, we will look for early Nov.

3)   * Head-count: Spouses are welcome. Please state how many would be coming if all works out for you.

  1 me alone
  2 spouse will be with me
  not sure at this time
  0 not attending
4)   * We are looking into reserving a block of condos that has a party room. If you are attending, would you be interested in making a reservation at the place we would block? Some of you may have a home there and are not in need of a reservation.

  No, not attending
  Yes, I would want to make a reservation
  No, I have my own place and will meet with you.

We don't know the dates yet, so this answer will be contingent upon you being able to attend those dates. Please answer it like you will be able to attend. We are trying to get some approximate counts.
5)   * Some of the condos have multiple bedrooms. Would you be willing to share a condo with another couple? It might be possible for 2-3 couples could stay in one condo.

  Yes, I would share with others.
  No, not attending.
  No, room not needed.
  No, prefer to room alone.

In order to block off a set of condos, we need to specify what sizes we would need. This will give us an idea.
6)   * What activities are you interested while there? Suggestions: Golf, casino, fishing, shows, off-road trip, hiking, shopping, just hanging out in party room, etc.

7)   List any suggestions, comments, ideas, questions, here! Say anything you wish.......