Connie Watson Croad

Profile Updated: April 2, 2009
Connie Watson
Residing In: concord, MI USA
Spouse/Partner: Michael Croad (spouse)
Occupation: cook for jackson county dept.on aging
Children and Grandchildren: I have nine grand childern four boys and the girls,and like all grandmas they are pretty darn cool, More…Ihave one son and three step childern two sons and one daughter. Brad is mine and was born in 1971, Lucas born 1979,Brandon born 1982,and Jen was born 1984.
Yes! Attending Reunion
Name/number of friend/family as alternate contact:

Jean Watson,she is my mom and always know's how to reach me.


I have had the oppurtunity to travel to many states and enjoyed it very much,but the greater part of my life has been and is working with senoirs,my passion is gardening on every level and sharing that with friends and family. I am old school and do my own cannning making jelly and jams from my own produce and this is very much enjoyed by my grandkids,my biggest fans.

What are your memories of high school (i.e., secret crush, embarrassing moment, funniest thing you did in high school, favorite high school hangout, favorite teacher(s)?

Oh I thought of myself as pretty shy in school,I guess it would had been sports that I really enjoyed, Crushes well that would have to been any senoir as a lower classmen then as a senoir ?

Where else have you lived?

Mostly here in Concord ,and a little town called Pulaski Mi.

What is the most unusual job you've ever had?

woking at Shaw shoe factory ,not very long but that was pretty different.

What did you always want to do that you haven't done yet?

travel to Europe.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

Do a lot of yard work,and I love to go fishing,anywhere anytime and for anything,I am a advid morel mushroom hunter . Spend tme with my family.

What would classmates be surprised to know about you?

That I'm getting old!

How/where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Enjoying retirement,just doin! you know! sleeping in .making everyday count.

What is the farthest you've ever been from home?

Sailing on a 65ft.sailing boat to the Bahamas,snorkling.that was pretty great.

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