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Harold S. Boyd

Profile Updated: October 10, 2011
Residing In: Arlington, VA
Occupation: retired librarian
Children: none
Military Service: Air Force ROTC while at Howard University

Retired from the Libary of Congress in January 2006 after 41-1/2 years. Was reference librarian to the catalogers, taught ballroom dance, worked as assistant customer service manager at the old Central Charge Service in D.C.

School Story:

Trying out for the JV basketball team when I was a senior; singing in the Glee Club; comraderie of my fellow classmates; being hit on the head by Fr. Carney for making too much noise in the hallway (LOL)!

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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 1:05 AM
at Reunion Dinner, Sept. 17, 2011
