In Memory

James R. Tewell VIEW PROFILE

James R. Tewell

Provided by Patrick Tewell, June 21, 2010.

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05/15/11 08:54 AM #1    

James A. Porter

    I want to thank Jim Tewell's family, especially his eldest son, for the wonderful tribute to him.  I do not remember Jim from Carroll.  I am overwhelmed by his generous acts, especially by his openning his door to a Vietnamese family of 8.  I realize it was a challenging and selfless act by all of you.  I will always be affected by my Vietnam experience.  I know first hand some of the cultural diffenences all of you must have endured.  But mostly, I am stricken by the compassion and love it took to extend yourselves in such a manner. 

     I am amazed that such a relatively small number of boys/men could have passed before me, and I was not aware of the selfless love that made so many of them, especially your father, special.  It is yet another lesson learned from the wonderful faculty of Carroll who gave us skills to survive the journey.  Thank you.


Best to you and your family,


Jimmy Porter

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