Whittier PTA Council
Click HERE SOON for Teen Scene flyer & application
Application & payment due to Council at the Dec & Jan Council President's Meeting
“Teen Scene” Middle & High School Conference
Place TBA
Cost TBA per student
(1 chaperone required per 10 students, chaperone tickets are complimentary)
This is Thirty-Third District PTA's annual program for middle and high school students.
Request a bus from your district to pick up students at each of your schools.
Space is limited to 200 people. make plans to attend and get your reservations in soon. Units are encouraged to pay for students. Councils migh consider paying for the bus. This event is a legitimate PTA espense and should be a line item in all middle school, high school and council PTA budgets.
Council Due Date: TBA/ December Dessert
AfterTBA the cost will be $20 per person.