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Posted October 15, 2024:   I know some of our classmates live in the hurricane path areas (Helene/Milton)...including my mother & brother (they are fine).  Please keep all those affected in your thoughts.  Please keep posting on this site as it was just renewed for another five years.  I'm not sure how much interest there is in another reunion, but feel free to post your thoughts on this site and/or the Facebook page.  I hope everyone is well and, since the holidays are coming up, I wish all of you and your family the best for 2024 and hopefully a better 2025 in January. - Kathy

Posted March 3, 2024:  Was recently notified (thanks, Lovell Banks) of the passing of Craig E. Jones on February 2, 2024.  I've updated the "In Memory" section of this site with some pictures and his obituary.  See Whitings Funeral Home website as well.  His service was on Feb. 8, 2024.  Yearbook and more current picture below.  A lot of people have told me that it is helpful to see the yearbook picture if we had it.


Posted January 15, 2024:  Some of you may remember Raymond (Ray) Freed (had as a teacher or maybe even visited his office for some "deportment" issue -- I think he was famous for that term as well as treating his students like adults).  I personally had him for 12th grade Government and maybe even saw him at the Green Leafe every once in a while (always in the back). Someone on Facebook posted an article (see "In Memory" section of this site for the article).  I don't know the date of the article or what newspaper it was printed in.  This was a nice article - classic Ray Freed.  He passed away in 1985 (the early spring, I think).-Kathy Brice

Note:  I've tried to keep track of any memorials for our teachers in the "in memory" section.  If anyone has any information to add to the existing list or knows of any other teacher/faculty deaths, please let me know.  I also added Shade Palmer (James Blair, Principal, mid-70's) passed away in 2021 at 90 years old.

Posted January 15, 2024~6:30 pm (UPDATE #2).  From Mitiz Edwards Debusk:  “Jim Asby, Barbara Green, Kathy Brice and myself want to thank all those who helped, prayed and got the word out about Bobby’s passing. We reached our goal and prayer to send him off right. God bless you all.”  Also posted on Lafayette Class of 1980 Facebook page.  If you would like to continue to donate, please donate to the Williamsburg Moose Lodge 757.  They did a great job.

Posted January 15, 2024 (UPDATE #1):  Per my glance at the GoFundMe account this afternoon, we are $750 short of covering the expenses ($2,500) put out by classmates for Bobby Cox's cremation and the service. At this time, no headstone or burial plot is planned to my knowledge.

Here's the Go Fund Me link again (see below) if you can find it in your heart to contribute--we are so close. Any funds in excess of the $750 will either go for his burial or other use suggestions are welcome (if there are extra funds). We appreciate those who donated (a little or a lot) and I'm sure Bobby would have appreciated it.

Please see the "In Memory" section of the class website ( and the Class of 1980 Facebook page) for a picture of the gathering held on Saturday, January 6 in Williamsburg to honor Bobby. If you don't have access to either of these sites and you would like pictures, let me know (with an email address) and I can try to get pictures to those who want them.

A GoFundMe account has been set up to help with burial expenses since there were no funds available to cover them. Every little bit helps. See this site and the Facebook class of 1980 page for additional information and pictures. May he rest in peace.

 Posted January 6, 2024:  Please see the "In Memory" section for a picture of the gathering held on Saturday, January 6 in Williamsburg to honor Bobby Cox.  A GoFundMe account has been set up to help with burial expenses since there were no funds available to cover them.  Every little bit helps.  See this site and the Facebook class of 1980 page for additional information and pictures.  May he rest in peace.

I was unable to make it due to the nasty weather in the DC area, but very glad of the people who were able to make it.  Not everyone who attended is in the picture, but it was a nice gathering and remembrance. -- Kathy Brice

Posted December 11, 2023:  I have updated the "In Memory" page to add another passing.  Craig Matthews passed away on December 2, 2023 and his service was held December 8, 2023.  His obituary is located on the "In Memory" page and can also be found on the Whiting Funeral Home webpage.  We are looking for a yearbook picture of him, but, so far, cannot locate one.  If anyone from the class may have a yearbook from our high school years, please see if he's in any of those.  If you find one, please email it to me at  Thanks Marvin Rutley and Yvonne Coates for keeping us up to date.  Website link is on the "In Memory" page.

Posted December 10, 2023, updated December 15, 2023: I regret to inform you of another passing.  Robert "Bobby" Cox passed away, unexpectedly, in late November.  See the "In Memory" section of this website for the obituary.  There will not be a public service for him (SEE UPDATE BELOW).  I apologize for posting this so late, but I was having computer issues.  May he rest in peace.

From Mitzi Debusk's Facebook Page - Celebration of Life - January 6, 2024:

Jim Asby. Kathy Brice. Barbara Green and myself (Mitzi) would like to invite you to a celebration of life for our dear friend Bobby Cox.

He was one of our beloved classmates and will celebrate his life, gone too soon. Please join us Saturday January 6th at the Williamsburg Moose Lodge 757 from 12 noon til 5pm. Bring your memories, send any pics and love to honor our dear friend. A GoFundMe page will be set up to help with his burial expenses. God bless you and love to see you honoring our dear friend Bobby Cox.

See obituary notice from the family on the "In Memory" section of this website.

Posted November 30, 2023:  I regret to inform the class that Lula Oliver (Louden) passed away on November  20, 2023.  Her service is this Saturday in Toano.  See information/link on this site under "In Memory" or on our class of 1980 Facebook page.  Thoughts are with her family.  Thanks Ryelynn Johnson for informing me and for sending the flowers (from Ryelynn:  "We are sending flowers to the family from the entire class of 1980, the arrangements will have our school colors and a sash that says: Class of 1980").

Posted October 20, 2023:  We lost another classmaste the other day.  Terri Gilley passed away  See the memorial section for more info (I posted here first so there could be a delay) See Bucktrout for service info.

Posted September 3, 2023:  I just found out that we lost another classmate, Jeff Todd,  back in 2011.  His obituary is posted on the "In Memory" section of this site.

Posted August 31, 2023: We lost another classmate a few days (Aug. 28) ago (thanks, Barbara Green).  David Camby's info is posted to the "In Memory" area of this website.

Posted August 28, 2023:  The word is getting out and I was emailed today about three more deaths in our class. 

  • Juanita Richardson (Clark-married name)-----Passed away on 4/15/2020
  • Karen Diane Hawkins passed away this year 02/05/2023  
  • Don E Hailey---passed away on 10/29/2015

The "In Memory" page has been updated with their obituary and picture (thanks, Ryelynn Johnson).

Posted:  August 25, 2023: Getting out the word about the 50th LHS Anniversary has had good results with getting classmate information - happy and sad.  I was just informed (thanks Kelly Mihalcoe) that Bard Bloom passed this past April.  His information can be found at the "In Memory" section of the LHS Class of 1980 website. 

Posted:  August 18, 2023:  It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing of Alvin Holiday (thanks, Yvonne Ashby Coates).  The "In Memory" section of this site has been updated with his obituary.  

-Kathy Brice []


40th REUNION????? 

COVID took care of that answer!

Who may be interested in a 41st or 42nd reunion?  Post comments/interest here and you can also post comments on the class Facebook page. 

Please fill out the quick four question survey below.

Thanks, Kathy Brice


You must be logged in to submit this survey. Please use the login box in the upper right corner.

1)   * Are you interested in attending a 41st Reunion of the LHS Class of 1980? This means potentially the fall of 2021 (COVID-dependent).

2)   * Are you interested in attending a 42nd Reunion of the LHS Class of 1980? This means it could be spring, summer or fall of 2022.

3)   Indicate interest if you are willing to lead the reunion effort. Put your name in the comment box and the best way to contact you.

4)   Indicate your interest in being part of the reunion committee. Put your name in the comment box, your area(s) of contribution/interest (i.e. venue, planning, marketing, decorations, registration, etc.) and the best way to contact you.