Thoughts and Prayers


Please keep Lynn Emerson Biddle in your thoughts and prayers. 
She is dealing with multiple health issues. 
Cards welcome. 

Lynn Emerson Biddle 

Winfield Senior Living Community 

1320 Wheat Road 

Winfield, Ks. 67156 



Connie Conrod Bland has developed complications from her chemotherapy treatments, and has entered hospice care.  If you would like to send her a card, her address is

205 Private Road  5568, Alba Tx. 75410

I talked to her today. If you would like her # let me know! Janie 


Thoughts and prayers please,  for our dear classmate Connie Conrod Bland.


Prayer request for Ivy Bolack Kelley. She had open heart surgery a few  months ago, and her kidneys are not  functioning properly since the anesthesia.  She has been on dialysis. 
Cards would be welcomed! 
Ivy Kelley

2007 John Mark Drive

Winfield Ks. 67156



Judy Kelly Clower is recovering at a rehab facility in Derby, after a fall at her home. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. 

If you want to send a message to a classmate, go to Classmate Profiles at top right on home page. Choose a name from list, then below their profile picture, click on send private message!  


Please keep Mike Hiebert in your thoughts and prayers, as he is dealing with some serious health issues.  I visited with him today, and he sounded very upbeat and is ready to deal with anything that may come  his way. 


Won't you please keep our dear classmate Connie Conrod Bland in your thoughts and prayers. She is dealing with multiple health issues, and is currently hospitalized in Tyler, Texas. When she is released she will go to a rehab hospital for a few days.  If you would like to send a card her address is

205 PR 5568. Alba, Texas   75410  

It would make her day to hear from us!   Let's flood her with well wishes! 



Please keep Connie Conrod Bland in your thoughts and prayers. She is dealing with some health issues, and would love your positive thoughts! I talked with her today, and she is very upbeat and sounded good! 





Please keep Chuck in your thoughts and prayers, and let him know we are thinking of him. I got his permission to share this. 

He is surviving early fourth stage cancer of the neck and throat. "It is a hell I would not place on my worst enemy."

I received this note yesterday: 

I just got the all clear for cancer, after 7 weeks of chemo/radiation therapy. They almost killed me to save me and it was the worst challenge you can imagine. I can eat and speak better. The cancer was on both sides of my neck and jaw and I lost over 40 pounds. Down to 102. But, I am on the mends and working out, eating healthy trying to get my immune system and nutrition. Hopefully, I get home for our reunion next year, I should be able to, I just wanted to let someone from home to know what has happened. Have a “Happy New Year! “ Your classmate and friend, Chuck Wood




From:     Ed & Becky Groene

Ed has been diagnosed with colon cancer that has spread to the liver. We have come to MD Anderson and Ed will undergo chemo therapy and drive on enjoying his life with his sweetheart Becky. This is to be an example of LIVING with cancer. Your prayers, calls and notes are welcome. This has been a wonderful 5 year run for us as a couple and we hope to keep it going.