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10/18/08 02:19 PM #26    

Virginia Holroyd (Maas)

Janie, thanks for the website.
I too, won't be able to come.
Our son Tim had emergency surgery on the 1st;
he returned to Norfolk earlier this week, and I
need to keep seeing him. My mother in law, McCleda,
has been to the hospital ER twice this week, will be
dismissed from the same late this afternoon. I am to
work at my employment, but will need to monitor her
as she lives alone, thankfully not far from Charlie
and me.
Greet everyone for me. I still make music in the
Norfolk area: Community Band, Dynamite Duo and Sparklers
Independence Day Concerts, Sacred Heart Church Choir,
and a few other events that come down the pike.
Love and Blessings to all.

Virginia Holroyd Maas

10/20/08 08:16 PM #27    

Eudene Stephenson (Baird)

Oh my gosh. Just went through all the pictures of the reunion and they were awesome. Wished I had been there to see everyone. Sounds like everyone had a wonderful time. This website is awesome also. Thanks to everyone who got it all together.

10/29/08 09:05 AM #28    

Loretta Spatz (Blasberg)

Hi, everyone. Well I enjoyed the pictures of everyone.
I don't know if any of you remember me, but I remember some of you.
I just got an invite to my California aren't going to believe this. The cost is $100 per person for the dinner dance and $35 per person for the picnic the next day. I bet yours was a lot more fun than those stuffy California people.
Hope to attend the 45th. I would like my husband to see where I spent my pre-teen years.
Best to all of you.

12/27/08 08:24 AM #29    

Janie Ayers (Parr)

Check out the Winfield Courier to see the write up of our reunion, and picture!

01/14/09 12:03 PM #30    

Connie Conrod (Bland)

I have added obituary information for some other classmates. If you have dates or info or want to post comments on the In Memory page let us know.

Also if you know of any other people who were in our class but may not have graduated for whatever reason, move, etc. we can add them to the guest list.

01/28/09 07:29 PM #31    

Mike Dobson

to everyone, what made the reunion so good was all those who were able to come! we missed those not present and hope they can attend next time, but for all those who did attend...thank-you...continue to use the web-site, let's not loose track of old friendships, renewed friendships and all those memories about how the "good" old days were just that...pretty good! (well maybe not pretty, but good!)

03/15/09 04:05 AM #32    

Connie Conrod (Bland)

 There is an article in the newspaper about the grand opening of the newly constructed Viking Harbor. Wonder if they will sell apples?

03/10/10 08:19 AM #33    

Connie Conrod (Bland)

Thanks to everyone who checks the web site. Did you notice that we have a new section on thoughts and prayers? If you have anything you would like added let us know.

It may seem like there isn't much going on, but over 50 class members have checked the site since the first of the year.....if we just had some news. 8-)

08/18/13 03:00 PM #34    

Connie Conrod (Bland)

We are finding that people aren't updating their information when email addresses and phone numbers change.  It is much harder to track you down if you have a cell phone only.  Please help out the ones trying to keep you all informed.  If you have forgotten your password let Janie or I know and we can give you a temporary password.  Also if you know you can or can't attend let us know.  It saves us a lot of work searching and calling.


we want to see you at the reunion but if that can't happen we want to keep your data up to date -we want everyone at the 50th!!!

08/28/13 05:52 PM #35    


Suzanne Teel (Wright)

No Pop Quiz

   I’m glad I won’t be tested on all the information I soaked up last Friday and Saturday about my ’68 classmates; details about friends, spouses, kids, grandkids (and yes) great-grand kids, parents, jobs, retirement, hobbies and adventures.

   The weekend started off delightfully at Becky and Ed Groene’s place with tables in the yard and groups in lawn chairs catching up. Saturday morning we had the option of golf or a coffee at the high school and tour via trolley with a stop at the Cowley County Historical Society Museum (a must see the next time you’re in Winfield) and an energizing hike back to the high school when the trolley broke down. Then we had great BBQ, took a reunion group photo followed by more conversation and reminiscing at Quail Valley Farms with the Chief’s football game (muted) on the big screen.

   For anyone who hasn’t attended a reunion in the last 20 years, you’re missing out. These are the people with whom you started kindergarten and grade school. Name badges came complete with senior class photos to help you recognize the person who 45 years ago sat behind you in math or chemistry.

   ’68 graduates attending received a great looking glass etched with WHS and a Viking (mine is in the freezer awaiting a frosty cold one come happy hour).

We have history together and shared memories. The tunnel vision of youth departed as we adopted bifocals and trifocals. And we are all in approximately the same boat, dealing with parents, kids, grandkids and aching joints. I’m not saying misery loves company exactly but it is nice to know you are not alone and it is true that every load is lighter when shared.

   As the festivities came to a close the one phrase repeated over and over again was “let’s keep in better touch”.  And if good intentions don’t follow through we have the 50th reunion to look forward to in August of 2018 (HOLY COW) and we can catch up all over again. And I’m sure we’ll all look even better then.

Suzanne (Teel) Wright

08/30/13 04:43 PM #36    


Suzanne Teel (Wright)

Kris Halgedahl wasn't able to attend the reunion because she was scheduled for a tryout with the Traverse City Symphony. All of us sent good musical vibes her way for a successful audition. She still hasn't heard back from the selection committee but thought I'd post this picture of Kris and her cello taken after the tryout.

09/08/13 06:35 PM #37    


Janet Phillips (Austin)

Wish I could have celebrated the latest milestone with everyone.  Still working, 16 grandkids, and an annual "gram camp" to plan eats up the vacation time and travel budget.  However, I thank each and every one of you for all the great Winfield memories!  Hope to see you at the next one!



09/10/13 11:25 AM #38    

Connie Conrod (Bland)

Julie Albright Thompson visited our reunion on Saturday evening.  She explained some of the Winfield Foundation projects.  You can purchase commemorative bricks, contribute to scholarships etc.  They also try to keep track of all the alumni and can attempt to help you locate WHS students from any year.  Check out    Note that the web address has changed.

11/22/13 12:39 PM #39    

Connie Conrod (Bland)

Do you remember where you were 50 years ago today when you heard President Kennedy had been shot?  I was in Mrs. Robison's math class for the announcement.  Some class members had gone home for  lunch and heard but when they came back and told us as we stood around the Viking Head we really didn't believe them.  I believe school was dismissed on the day of the funeral as I remember watching glued to the TV screen.  We recently lived in Dallas and have often been to the area near the Texas Book Depoiitory and gone on the tour at the 6th Floor Museum.  It still looks about the same and brings back memories to see the triple underpass where the car sped to Parkland Hospital after the shooting.

I also remember a few years later coming home to hear of Robert Kennedy's assisination.  Had been drinking a little and if you do the math I wouldn't have been 18 for a few more months!  How did that happen?  8-)

06/29/14 04:23 PM #40    

Robert Hubbard

It would be great if everyone would show up for the 50th.  Some of you out there I haven't seen since graduation night.  We need to have a ho-down of all ho-downs.

06/30/14 08:36 AM #41    


Suzanne Teel (Wright)

I agree with Robert, everyone should come for the 50th. Make a plan to be there in '18.

Holy Moly, we can't be that old. It's a good thing none of us are showing our age.

06/30/14 04:10 PM #42    

Connie Conrod (Bland)

It is hard to find everyone in the last few weeks.  If you know anyone not registered on this website please send them an invite or encourage them to sign up now.  This is the easiest way to keep in touch.  Also pass on information for any who have moved.  It is getting harder to find " lost" friends since so many are cell phones only.  Janie Ayers Parr and Stephan Asper volunteered to head up reunion plans but they can use help from all of us.  Let's all work to contact all the class members, encourage everyone to attend and BE THERE!  If you haven't been or haven't for a while now is the time!


05/19/15 10:55 AM #43    

Loretta Dotts (Sketers)

I am so sorry for the family lose to a wonderful precious lady.  The first time I met Janet was in the grade school City Track Meet and we ran the 100 yd. meter dash, what a fast runner she was we were actually nose to nose, hair to hair....a CLOSE Run.  Her life's run is over here on earth but she has won the greatest race of all to join her Heavenly Father.

Loretta (Diane Dotts) Sketers

08/15/15 12:31 AM #44    

Connie Conrod (Bland)

Age Barometer

Total the number of these that you remember: 

1. Blackjack chewing gum
2. Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water
3. Candy cigarettes
4. Soda pop machines that dispensed bottles
5. Coffee shops with tableside jukeboxes
6. Home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers
7. Party lines
8. Newsreels before the movie
9. P.F. Flyers
10. Butch wax
11. Telephone numbers with a word prefix (Olive - 6933)
12. Peashooters
13. Howdy Doody
14. 45 RPM records
15. S&H Green Stamps
16. Hi-fi's
17. Metal ice trays with levers
18. Mimeograph paper
19. Blue flashbulbs
20. Beanie and Cecil
21. Roller skate keys
22. Cork popguns
23. Drive-ins
24. Studebakers
25. Wash tub wringers 

If you remembered 0-5 You're still young. 

If you remembered 6-10 You are getting older. 

If you remembered 11-15 Don't tell your age. 

If you remembered 16-25 You're older than dirt!.

08/15/15 11:36 AM #45    

Kenneth Laws

Spirit duplicators

Burning leaves

Diesel exhaust

Polaroid film

Magic markers

Bubble gum cards

Cap gun smoke

New car smell

Vacuum tubes (phenolic)

Telephone books

Chalk dust



Ken Laws

Palo Alto, CA

08/16/15 08:05 PM #46    


Linda Greenwell (Robinson)

Very interesting.  Thanks for sharing.  Hope to see you at our next Reunion.

Linda Greenwell Robinson

10/04/16 03:47 PM #47    

Janet Kittelson (Hostetter)

Today I was in the Lowell School file in the archives at the museum and ran across a picture of Jane Shriver taken in 1957 in front of the school. Also there was a clipping saying farewell to Mr. Greenwell, was that your dad Linda? If the committee wants to plan some time at the museum during the 50th reunion I can arrange that. There is lots of school stuff that can be found in the archives, plus it's fun to go through the museum.



09/25/18 07:46 PM #48    

Lynn Black

Reality setting in - Winfield Reunion here I come ! Lynn Black

01/11/24 02:58 PM #49    

Eddie Groene

Like to get in touch with Jim Gardner in Az 

04/04/24 12:57 PM #50    

Christie Sheeks (Clark)

Thank you so much to whoever took the time to put together the pics of mini-reunions.  So much fun to see all of those smiling faces. Blessings to all, Christie (Sheeks) Clark

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