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Winfield High School Class Of 1968
Page has been added or updated: Mini-reunions.
Feb 15, 2025 at 6:28 PM
Feb 12, 2025 at 5:35 PM
Winfield High School Class Of 1968
Page has been added or updated: Homepage.
Feb 10, 2025 at 6:29 PM
Rodney O'Neil has a birthday today.
Feb 02, 2025 at 3:33 AM
Jul 29, 2021 at 5:44 AM

Happy belated!!!

Jul 28, 2019 at 9:15 AM

“Happy Birthday my good Friend!”????????????

Oct 08, 2018 at 1:40 PM

Happy Birthday ??????

Janie Ayers Parr posted a message. New comment added.
Jun 02, 2018 at 12:47 PM

Posted on: Jun 01, 2018 at 2:20 PM

Some of our classmates are celebrating 50 years of marriage this year!!!!
Congratulations to:
Dee (Sawyer) and Mike Ledy
Linda (May) and Larry Gann
Marcia (Feger) and Daryl Thiel
Cathy (Cantrell) and Norman Neal
Let us know if we've left anyone out!!!!

Kris Halgedahl has left an In Memory comment for Patty Goggans Bowman.
Dec 25, 2015 at 11:33 AM

My sincerest condolances on Patty's loss this holiday season. I remember her sense of humor and her great spirit in Pep Club. Always smiling. She will be missed, but we were lucky to have had her in our lives.

Kris Halgedahl

Kris Halgedahl posted a message.
Sep 29, 2015 at 7:31 AM

Hello, Vikings all! This is the first time I've posted on our site, and I'm glad that my interest, which began as a personal request for some financial help for some dental surgery, has resulted in a genuine curiosity about so many of your lives! Yes, we've had the sadness of premature loss of some of our classmates, but it seems that overall, we're all doing pretty well. I'm especially happy for those of you now enjoying retirement and financial security. My artistic path, especially playing and teaching the cello, has led me in a more tenuous direction -- I won't be retiring any time soon. However, that's why it's good that music and photography are passions for me, as they continue to get me through these years where I'm still able to work. I am trying to raise funds for some dental surgery, however, and for that, I'm posting a request here. If you're able to kick in some money toward that goal, I'd be so grateful. If you're interested in my crowd funding site, go to GoFundMe.com and type Kristin Halgedahl in the Search Box. My site should pop right up, you can read my story, and make a contribution as a Tooth Fairy now, or in the future. Or here's a link (I hope…I'm so bad with things tech) that will take you right there.
http://www.gofundme.com/kristinhalgedahl. Thank you!

Meanwhile, other than that, I'm doing pretty well. I now live in Traverse City, Michigan, a beautiful town in upstate Michigan, near Interlochen, the fine arts camp my father taught at in the summers, and which brother Fred and I attended growing up. It's a good place, except for the winters. I don't like snow and ice, and may be moving south, but for now, it's home.

I'll be updating my profile, as I now realize how important it is to have current information here. A HUGE thank you to Janie and Connie (and others) who do so much to maintain our site. And all the best to everyone. Hope to see you at the 50th Reunion!


Janie Ayers Parr changed her "Then" picture.
Jan 10, 2015 at 11:12 AM
Dec 22, 2014 at 5:16 PM

I doubt if anyone remembers me but I have kept up with the class website. First, Merry Christmas to all!! I will always remember how several of us were riding in this dark green (foreign made, I think) car - built somewhat like a VW bug. Anyway, it was a car that Janie was driving at the time. We drove it on the road that surrounds Island Park- on top of the dike there. Anyway we went down on the north side of it - can't remember why, but in the process the exhaust pipe came off. Somehow we figured out a way to fasten it to the side (?) of the vehicle and drove it to the dealership where Janie's Dad worked. The windows on that CONVERTIBLE car would only go down part of the way and I can still remember us laughing at our reflection in the windows on Main street as we drove it across town. Just a memory that came to me recently. Hope everyone is enjoying life as much as I am!

Loretta Dotts Sketers posted a message. New comment added.
Jun 08, 2014 at 8:32 PM

Posted on: Jun 07, 2014 at 12:32 PM

Happy Birthday! It was good to locate you had some good times in Winfield growing up.
Where exactly is Park City? I live approxamately 6 miles from the NASCAR Speedway, Kansas City, KS. and 8 miles from Leavenworth, KS.
My home phone is 913-724-4191 would love to hear from you. I'm retired do work part-time at an Elementary School as before school/after school child care, 4:30 a day ... not
bad the rest of day my time.
Take care ok,