40th Reunion Pics!


Rick Reynolds, Linda May, Suzanne Kerr,  Diane DeVore, Brenda King, Cathy Holmes, Jonette Sweetland, Kathy St. Peter



Mary Thornton, Connie Conrod, Joel Thornton


Eddie Groene, and Becky Boggs


Sally Banks!

Richard and Sherry Biddle!


John Brothers, and Jennifer Cadwell Brothers!

Cheryl Watson and Diane Stevenson!

Janet Kittleson, and Martha Jean Shrader


Curt Watts and Marvin Hamlin!


Curt Watts and Tom McElroy!


Vicki Simms and Judy Kelly


Lynn Emerson and Diane DeVore!


Ann Lacy, Mark Fry, and Deloris Sawyer


Robert Hubbard, Jo Jacks, Charlotte Yianakopulos and Richard Veatch

 Kathy Eudaly


Charlotte Yianakopulos and Richard Veatch


Jonette Sweetland!

John Brothers, Jennifer Cadwell, Sherry Biddle and Richard Biddle!

Cristina Calvert and Vicki Sims!


Janie Ayers and Marcia Feger with aluminum foil on their teeth.....something they did to irritate their 4th grade teacher!!!!!!

Janie Ayers, Marcia Feger and Diane Stevenson with foil on their teeth!

Henry Kampschroeder and Curt Watts.

Judy Prater and Helen Gaulden

Lynn Emerson, Linda Gann, Jonette Sweetland and Kathy St. Peter

Mike Dobson andJanie Ayers

 Janie Shriver,  Brenda  Biddle, and Judy Kelly

Lynn Emerson, Linda May,  Diane DeVore, Jonette Sweetland, Kathy St. Peter.

Ed Groene and Becky Boggs.

Connie Conrod,

Connie Conrod, Henry Kampschroeder, and Curt Watts.


Judy Prater, Jonette Sweetland and Marcia Feger.

Kathy St. Peter and Linda May,

Connie Conrod and Mike Dobson still planning!

Mike Dobson, Connie Bland and Janet Kittleson still planning!

Marcia Feger and Sally Banks

Suzie Teelthe

The Veatch's visiting with the Biddle's.

Cristina Calvert and Steve Lewallen

Deloris Sawyer, Helen Gaulden and Jo Jacks

Suzie Kerr and Craig Johnson

Richard Biddle and Daryl Thiel

Marcia Feger, Charlotte Yianakopulos and Richard

Janie Shriver, Janet Shafer and Judy Kelly

Sherry Biddle and Marcia Feger

Sherry Biddle and Richard Biddle

Daryl Thiel and Suzie Teel

Daryl Thiel and Suzie Teel

JIm Luther, Lynn Emerson and Linda May
