In Memory

Chip Picot

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11/30/08 12:05 AM #1    

David Wilson

Chip was a good friend and I know we all miss him. Playing football at North with Chip Picot, Ricky Hodges and Steve Austell was a hoot. When the coaches weren't working us to death, Chip, Ricky and Steve kept me laughing. I came over to North from Mineral Springs with some VERY close friends. It was amazing how most of us just blended right in with the Northwest folks. It was the right time in our lives for many things, football included. We are so very fortunate to have grown up when we did.

I remember one JV game when Chip was hit hard behind the line and was sacked for a loss. We returned to the huddle and Chip had a huge chunk of grass stuck to the side of his helmet. He turned to me and said "How about blocking somebody." He was grinning. That was just Chip being Chip. When we were exhausted, drained, soaked with sweat and covered in dirt, Chip could still smile. I admired that. He was right in the middle of the glue that bonded us all together those three years we played on the same team.

I am thankful to have reconnected with Chip at the 20-year reunion and that my wife was able to meet him. He was still smiling.

12/05/08 10:47 AM #2    

John Luebchow

The boy could throw a football. I had bruises on my chest from catching his passes. And those were the ones that hit me in my pads!

12/22/08 08:43 PM #3    

Gregg Moffitt

He was a friend, nice to everyone.

02/28/10 02:44 PM #4    

Vickie Peaman (Bridges)

My brother and I used to walk to Oldtown School every morning and back home in the afternoons with Chip and the other group of kids from the neighborhood. I really liked him so, of course, being 6 years old he hated girls. I got a lot of rocks thrown at me but I was the only girl in the group so I thought that was the way of the world. My mom knew his mom when they moved and she was arranging flowers; many--many years ago. I hated to hear he was deceased. Vickie Pearman Bridges

03/09/10 12:18 AM #5    

Rick Hardy

Chip was a good friend and we went way back. I have many memories of him but two spring to mind immediately when I think of him.

This one was definitely from 9th Grade at Northwest. Our football season was paralleling that of our arch rival (Mineral Springs) and there came an important moment in a game, a moment after which the determination of victor and vanquished would be settled...a defining moment for that goup of weary, muddied Falcons. The offense huddled, and we turned to our leader, QB1, who surely would know exactly what to say at that tense moment. To this day I have not forgotten what Chip said: "Everbody shut up. No cussin'."

The other immediate memory was either 9th or 10th grade...probably 9th. Chip and I were in a little band and one of our few gigs was a party in Teresa Howard's basement. We would probably tune up for 10 minutes, play for 10 minutes, and break for 30 minutes. I distinctly remember during one of those extended breaks that Chip and I...just Chip and I...listened to Iron Butterfly's In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida. This caused great consternation among the girls for whom the 30 minute break was intended in the first place.

As I've said us a place at the table, friend. We'll be along by and by.

08/18/13 08:26 PM #6    

Steve Kiser

I played basketball with Chip at Northwest and nobody could carry on in the locker room like Chip.  He was one of those guys who made playing sports fun.  You left a lot of friends pal.

10/06/13 10:02 PM #7    

Sherry Schrader (Snyder)

I think we will all miss Chip's sense of humor.  He sure could be aggravating at times but you had to love him.  He will be missed by many. 

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