John E Havlicek

Residing In: McCloud, OK USA
Spouse/Partner: Maxine Havlicek

Mrs. (John) Maxine Havlicek replied to our Enroute Guestbook and here is her response:

I was married to John Havlicek on 21 Sep '91 so I wasn't there with anyone from Germany.

I lost John to cancer in Oct. 2000. He spoke often of all you guys from his time in Germany. I got to hear a lot of "good" stories. I wish I did know all of you. Thanks for including me in your reunion invitation.

Ms. Havlicek, you are always welcome to attend all of our functions. We would be honored to have you attend in honor of John. You will always be part of our 435th OMS Enroute Family.
Stan Miller, Reunion Host/Webmaster
