Memorial Plaque

435th OMS



 Memorial Plaque

was presented and dedicated to the


Air Freedom Memorial Park

14 May 2010


Maj Gen Cooper, DJ Hubbard, Bruno Potter, Jane Leach

Stan Miller, Richard "FIG" Figueroa, Enrie Goenaga

Col Floyd Johnson, Mark Dailey, Jim Warren, Steve Pavon

(Not in photo - Freddie Garrison, Bill Walters, Becky Seaman)

 During the 2009 Enroute Reunion, Enrouters Stan Miller and Ernesto Goenaga accepted the task of having a memorial plaque made and be posted in the Freedom Air Memorial Park at the WPAFB Air Museum.
Ernie and Stan Miller coordinated this beautiful plaque to be proccurred and
presented to the USAF National Air Museum.

Various Air Force Units already have their plaques on display in the Memorial Park at the Air Force Museum.

Our plaque showcases the 435th OMS Enroute MX Section and when folks walk through the park, the plaque will display our OUTSTANDING Enroute Section, for people to view for years to come.

Miller, Stanley  --                      PROJECT CHAIRMAN / SECRETARY 

Goenaga, Ernie (Debora)  --    PROJECT MEMBER

Johnson, Floyd (Lois)  --         CEREMONY MC

Mark Dailey

Richard "FIG" Figueroa

Freddie Garrison and Evie Fulmer

Douglas  (D.J.)  Hubbard

David McGinnis

Steve Pavon

John "Bruno" & Carolyn Potter

Becky Seaman

Bill & Shirley Walters

Jim Warren

Harold "Mitch" Mitchell   610th MASS Reunion Coordinator

(People listed above, attended the 2010 Reunion / Plaque Ceremony)



Bill Fessler

Richard "FIG" Figueroa

Freddie Garrison

Ernie Goenaga

Mr. & Mrs. Floyd Johnson

Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kutsch

Paul Lucido

Tim & Shari Maloney

David McGinnis

Stanley Miller

Steve Pavon

Pat & Nancy O'Brien

Mr. & Mrs. Paul Spletzer

Ed Stimach & Family

Randy & Lora Swink

Bill Walters

Jim Warren

  Anonymous Donor

 WPAFB Air Museum Memorial Park

The museum's Memorial Park honors Air Force-associated units and people for their courageous service and sacrifice in the cause of freedom. In October 1972, the museum dedicated the first memorial with a commemorative tree and plaque recognizing Americans held as Prisoners of War by the North Vietnamese and those missing in action during the Southeast Asia Conflict. Memorial Park has grown significantly since that first dedication, with more than 500 memorials, including statuary memorials, plaques, trees and benches.


When any member of the 435th OMS Enroute MX passes by the plaque,

they will be able to say,  I proudly served in that Outstanding Unit.  



If you are not subscribed to the Air Force Online Retirees Afterburner newsletter, you are missing out on valuable retiree information.

 435th APS  (Aerial Port Squadron)

   We have been invited by our sister Rhein Main Squadron

2011 Reunion

Atlanta, GA.

NOV ???, 2011  TBA

Anyone interested in attending their reunion, email me

and I will forward you the information.

I encourage you to visit their website





Commander and Operations Officer
Date Unit Commander Operations Officer
67-69     .
70 630 MASSq Col James Newton .
71 . Col Warren Hess James Plummer
78-80 435 OMS LTC Louis Tobin  
80-81 435 OMS LTC Eugene Corbett Lt Cheryl Dozier
82-83 435 OMS LTC Floyd Johnson  
?? 435 OMS LTC Don Davis?  
?? 435 OMS ??  
91-92 435 OMS    
92-94 362 AMS    
94-95 362 AMS    
95-96 626 AMSS Col Donald Siegel Lt Col Craig Murra
96-98 626 AMSS Col Sterling Palmer Lt Col Eddy Stanfill
98-99 626 AMSS Col John Clatanoff Lt Col Randy Thompson
99-99 626 AMSS Col Jefferey Northgraves Lt Col Randy Thompson
00-01 726 AMS Col Jefferey Northgraves Lt Col Randy Thompson
3-Jan 726 AMS Lt Col David Rodriguez Lt Col David Wright
5-Mar 726 AMS Lt Col Michael A. Polhemus Lt Col James Kirk


Stan Miller

435th OMS Enroute / Webmaster

7213 Avila Drive

Fayetteville, NC 28314 


We still need your help in locating Enrouters. Be sure to check on the Profile Page to see if you have any contact information for any Enrouter that has not joined our website.

(Transient Alert, Quality Control, Job Control, OMS Supervision, Orderly Room Staff members are also welcome to attend)

If you have any questions, please let me know,

Stan Miller, 2011 Enroute Webmaster

Email: or