In Memory

Donald W. Moran - Year Assigned 1976

Donald W. Moran

Born:      19 May 1949

Passed:  28 Feb 2013

Don was stationed at Rhein Main during the late 1970s, early 80s.

He was one of the original Enrouters and LOVED by ALL.


Donald W. Moran

  • May 19, 1949 - February 28, 2013
  • Frederick, Maryland
  • TSgt. Donald W. Moran died Thursday, February 28. Arrangements are by Resthaven Funeral Services, Frederick.
  • Published in The Frederick News-Post on March 1, 2013

Don, you are sadly missed.

Don - May you RIP.

Anyone having any additional information on Don's passing and any pictures,
if you will send them to me, I'll post them.

Stan Miller



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04/12/13 03:11 AM #5    

John (Pa) Kettley (1972)



04/12/13 12:21 PM #6    

Leo (Robert /Bob) Howard (1972)

What a great guy! I miss all the fun crazy times we had with Don. I remember the day I told Don I bet I could fix your damn auto pilot and Don said" bullshit" and I said" just show me". Don not wanting to miss an opportunity started lessons the next day. This was the beginning of a great friend ship and it was also during this time that B-Flt had came together as a really cohesive team. After a few sessions with Don we on B-Flt had got together and decided if Don could teach Bob how to fix the minor problems on his autopilot then surely anyone else could learn to work other systems too, after that we on B-Flt mapped out how everyone on the Flt would cross train for other specialties to assit when the work load was the heaviest. It worked like a charm. During Reforger there 9 people that came to work one night on B to relieve the prevoius Flt who had 20 people on shift. There were 21 C-141's on the ground 20 were broke bad one was OR. After a typical roll call with alot of wise cracks from you know who we went to work, by morning were putting fuel on the last aircraft all 21 were OR. It was an amazing feat noticed by all. The next evening we came in again there was 19 aircraft on the broke and two were OR. I can tell you from the bottom of my heart I have never been so proud of any of my accomplishments thoughout my life as our accomplishments as B-Flt especially that one night. I have told this story many times over the years countless times. All I can say is Thank You Don! had not been for you we may have never gone down that road.



Bob Howard



04/12/13 05:44 PM #7    

Gary Belmont (1977)

Don was the "go-to" guy for aircraft broke downrange, no matter what system it was broke for.


Gary Belmont

04/13/13 09:35 AM #8    

Larry E. Henderson (1977)

Just like the rest of us, always having a good laugh about anything. He will be missed; RIP!

04/13/13 10:11 AM #9    

Steve Podvoll (1979)

For Don's loved ones: prayers for spiritual healing.  May his memory be a blessing.  

04/14/13 10:25 AM #10    

Howard Kidder (1976)

Don was a great man to have known, I remember (as many have indicated) many TDY's together with him. We had a BLAST! worked hard (and played hard too). I had just gone to his last recent update page and noticed he had posted a picture of us in Norway. It took us awhile to dig that hole big enough to fit him in...HA! Smart. fun loving, sense of humor are the things that I will remember him most for.


Howard Kidder

04/14/13 01:08 PM #11    

Stanley Miller (1980)

Submitted for Bruce & Debby Hoeffer

Don Moran, a good internet buddy passes away.

What a shock. Seems like only a few days ago we were exchanging e-mails. I was stationed at Rhein Main Germany
part of the time Don was there and also at Travis AFB, CA. My wife and I will sorely miss him! May he rest in peace.
Sincerely, Bruce & Debby Hoeffer


04/19/13 11:08 AM #12    

Richard "Fig" Figueroa (1976)

DON MORAN the AUTO-PILOT MAN,    His  news of his passing hit me hard.  Don was the first Enrouter off B flight to greet me and make me feel welcome upon my arrival to the enroute section.  I looked up to him as the bond that kept the B flight comradary together.  If anything, he was the example that promoted the ENROUTE concept to all  AFSC CREW CHIEFs / specialist that we all followed.  His memory is alive in all of B FLIGHT and ENROUTE. 
DON,  have a pleasant journey.  I will MISS YOU.------------FIG

04/25/13 04:45 PM #13    

Ernesto Goenaga (1977)

"Don Moran the Autopilot man". Him and I had fun doing it all at the Enroute. Sorry to hear he has passed I was so hoping he would show up at one of our reunions. To his family please know that I am praying for you to find peace and for Don's eternal soul. My condolences....


09/08/17 05:13 PM #14    

David Oxley (1978)

While Don and I shared Auto-Pilot duties, He is and always will be 'Don Moran, the Auto-Pilot Man'. He taught me so much about, not just our specialty, but life in general. He was a huge Roman-era history buff, and was Always searching out Roman ruins. He was (and always) will be the B-Flight ambassador.(At least in my mind). He taught me about Asterix and Obelix(Roman-era comics), and I recently traveled to Asterix and Obelix Park, just outside Paris. Rest in peace, my friend. We will all be honored to re-unite with you someday. Dave O.

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