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•   Robert Norris  10/6
•   Thomas Babcock  4/28
•   Nancy Gray (Hickox)  4/27
•   Anita Schaefer (Kincade)  4/27
•   Rowena Wood (Wood)  4/2
•   Harriet Osborn (Martin)  2/22
•   Joseph Orsini  10/15
•   Mary Henry (Young)  9/8
•   Michelle Rowecliffe (Phillips)  9/7
•   Carol Folger  4/14
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Batavia High School
Class Of 1961

Turning 80.  Those of us that have made it this far it is a true celebration.  I am thinking of all of you as yesterday it was my turn.  I guess we can no longer kid ourselves "We are old" but that's a good thing.  We woke up on the right side of the grass.  Wishing all of my classmates good health, happiness, and friends around you.  Enjoy your 80's.

The Class Reunion held in the summer of 2022 was very well attended and everyone enjoyed a history lesson from Jim Owen, the singing of Ever Batavia, and just being with each other.  A two day event held at TF Brown's (Mancuso's) and The Red Osier in Stafford, NY.

Until next time stay in touch and stay well.  God Bless you all.  Sandy Sterling Weiler

The Official Web Site of

The Batavia (NY) High School
Class of 1961

Created May 12, 2010

Home Page Visitors since then:




Reminder to Classmates

There are three ways you can communicate with classmates:

  1. You can go to their Classmate Profile page and leave a comment. Note that all your other classmates who have so elected will receive an e-mail notifying them of your comment and will be directed to that page where they can read it. You may want to use this somewhat sparingly.
  2. You can use the Message Center, under Member Functions, to write a directed private message to one or more classmates. If they wish, they can then respond directly to you in a private message.
  3. You can Post Announcement, also under Member Functions, which, after a few hours (for vetting purposes, keep it clean please surprise ), will be displayed here on the Home Page for all to see.

Actually there's a 4th method too. You can use Message Forums (above Member Functions) where you can have more complex dialogues on subjects of your choosing with classmates who elect to participate.

Thank you!



At the reunion some of you were asking what was going to happen to the web site after the reunion. The planning committee, using funds that you all helped provide, have paid Class Creator, the host system, the necessary fees to keep the site going for another 5 years and it is our plan to keep it going.

We welcome more content, your active participation, and strongly encourage you to keep your profile current (both contact information and also tell us what mischief you've been up to) and maintain connections with fellow classmates.



We're still actively recruiting contributions (photos, clippings, etc.) from classmates' personal collections to be shared here. Root around a little in your sock drawer and show us what ya got!

 Note: Photos should be sent to
If you're unsure of how to do this, you might want to go to a commercial site (Office Depot, Office Max, Staples, or similar), give them the actual photos to scan and have them send the images to Subsequently we can work out where the photos should go on the site, titles, etc.




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Welcome to the Batavia (NY) High School
Class of 1961 Web Site!

Members of the class of '61, if you haven't already done so please register and fill in your profile (you can update it at any time later as well).

If you are having any problems or want something changed/added, please let us know through the Contact Us link. This is your web site.

We expect to be adding more capabilities in the next few months so be sure to come back. This is where the Reunion Planning Committee will first make their announcements for our upcoming 50th. Also, as more of you update your profiles, we hope this will encourage you to come back and start dialogs with your fellow classmates.

Ever Batavia!

- Tom Babcock, Jim Minor, co-Administrators
- Donna Gehlert Russell, Records Administrator
- Ray Knorr, Fun Stuff Administrator
- John Platman, Special Projects Administrator
- Sandy Sterling Weiler, Poll Administrator

Senior Class Officers 

STANDING: Tom Babcock, president; Gene Northrup, vice-president

SEATED: Sandi Morse, secretary; Sally Monaghan, treasurer



This site isn’t about waistlines, hairlines or credit lines...

It’s about lifelines.

It’s about reconnecting with our friends from some of the best years of our lives!





In March of 2011 Joanne Beck of the Batavia Daily News wrote an article about this site. Here's a link to that article.





I am deeply indebted to Paul Huff (BHS '59) who trailblazed the way on setting up his BHS class of '59 web site. Paul has been very generous and patient in helping me with this site. Thank you, Paul.

Class of '59: Older and Wi...., well, I'll give them Older 





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We're Ever So Eager to Have You Come
 Tell Us How We're Doing!

Chorister music is stored on

PRIVACY NOTICE:  All contact information (address, phone number, e-mail address) entered into this website will be kept confidential.  It will not be shared or distributed.  Your contact information is private: your street address, e-mail address, and phone number cannot be seen by the classmates unless you grant permission on your Profile.  When someone clicks on your name, the only contact information they will see is your city and state and whatever information about yourself you choose to put on your Profile. Your email address is not visible, although an email can be sent to you using the contact box at the bottom of your Profile page. Note, however, if you send a message to a Classmate through their Profile page, the Classmate will see your email address so that they can respond.
