80th Birthday Reservation

Event Details

Hey Woodward Class of 1959,

The Class Steering Committee heard the request to recognize and celebrate the anniversary of birthdays 80 years ago.

As requested, we will gather at Montgomery Inn “The” Boathouse on October 20th to reminisce and enjoy a meal together. Details are listed……Dinner Ticket $55.

We need to finalize our reservation and ask all to mail their checks and make payable to our trusted Class Treasurer:

David Lepof

4942 Breeders Cup Circle

Liberty Township, OH 45011

Many of you have already answered the Survey and a few have advised it did not open properly for them.

We would like to get the list of attendees/guests published and ask that all complete the reservation form.

Any problems with the form you can contact Ken Richter at ken2learn@gmail.com

Looking forward to a special evening!


Your Woodward Class of 1959 Steering Committee

