Crystal Lake Community High School
Class Of 1970
Michael J McGough
Presently residing: | Norwalk, CT USA |
Occupation: | Landscape Supervisor |
Spouse/Partner: | Karen Michaels |
Children: | 2 sons...Matthew27, Jaime25 |
Woodstock, Il
Married 1977, Divorced1987
Entered Snow College in Ephraim, Utah in Fall 1971 studying Pre Med[Thought the school was named for ski conditions- instead named after Mormon Church President.What a letdown!] Moved + settled in Salt Lake City to be closer to Alta.Worked for several years to support ski addiction , but settled down when I met my perfect California Blond. So Mimmi McGee married Mike McGough[No Kidding!], I joined The Marriott Corporation and was the Horticulturist for their Flagship property in Salt Lake[The Marriotts are devout Mormons and would visit the hotel many times/ year.] Bill would make a point to see me to ask advice about his houseplants. We had the ideal life-a house, 2 kids , 2 Golden Retrievers, and 5 National Parks to camp in nearby. Unfortunately,it even rains in California + the White Picket fence wasn't enough to keep Mim +I together .We divorced amicably+ I moved closer to my family in Ct. via Orlando, Fl. after 9 months of hellish weather that Disney World could'nt appease.I've been in Norwalk, Ct. since 1989 with a wonderful partner named Karen Michaels[you noticed - I'm attracted to people whose names end in M- character flaw]. We travelled extensively through the years to Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and other far flung places +just recently returned from Vancouver to see some of the Olympic Games where Karen is working for NBC. I'm presently employed w/ a Greenwich, Ct. firm managing many prominent estates[landcape-wise] including Ron Howard, Mel Gibson, + many of the Titans of Wall Street.My son Matt lives near his mother in the Denver area working for a Toyota dealership Can you say...Bad Timing? Anyway, he's happy there enjoying his dog + his girlfriend ,so he's fine. My 2nd son, Jaime , is living in LA, and just recently landed a job W/ Disney as a 3D engineer[ they're called Imagineers- clever,eh?] He's presently sculpting a mockup for a 10 ft. replica of Red, the Fire Truck from the animated movie, Cars, to be cast in fiberglass +and on display at Carsland, a new theme park in Disneyland.Kool, huh. As our business slows at this time of the year, I was able to spend a chilly month in Fla. w/ my mother who on January 1 turned 94! We finished the month w/ a cruise to the western Caribbean w/my siblings+ their spouses.Sadly, I lost my mother Ellie on February 19,2010 after complications in surgery to repair a broken hip from a recent fall. I'm devastated by her passing, since she was so active w/ Bridge +and golf both in Crystal Lake and St. Pete where she spent her winters.She was famous for her yearly trips w/ her "clan" as she called us, + everyone wanted her to "adopt them". She'll be greatly missed. That brings us up to date. The novel will be in bookstores soon.
Several knuckleheads including Paul Vogelman, Skip Schneider + myself were the typical Freshmen nerds and we decided we should have our own special club, so we bought WW1 canvas aviator hats w/ sheepskin lining and started wearing them to aftergame dances, football+ basketball games, or to the Tastee Freeze. Since we looked and acted like dorks, we thought we should have our own dork language. Hence the start of the words "chaaaa"," baaaa," and the famous "Holy Chazooozies". Trust me, if you don't remember hearing these words, you're a better person for it.
Refer to the above " Novelette."
With the passing of my mother, no. My brother,Jim, lives in Aurora.
Seldom,except this summer, hopefully.
No, but I just recently had a 6 degrees of separation moment.I was driving back from Fla. at the end of January and planned to stay w/ friends in Savannah,Ga. who I knew from Ct. They were happy I was coming ,but apologized that they had prior commitments w/ other friends to see a concert locally and the show was soldout.Shortly before they were to leave, they received a call stating that a cancellation had occured + they had a ticket. So we headed off to pick up their friends to see Tommy Emmanual, who is a world class Guitar player who was mentored by Chet Atkins +Les Paul. On the way to the concert,Jack, the local friend of my friend ,Matt, asked me if I had heard of Tommy. I thought for a moment and said "I think he played Guitar for a band named "Styx" which before they became famous used to play after game dances at my high school." Jack's wife,Connie, who was sitting next to me in the back seat[Don't worry- there was no hanky-panky] asked what school did I attend? I said "CLCHS. She immediately said "We're from Crystal Lake! This was Jack Odell, who played in a band w/ my brother Jim called"Jack and the Rippers", who played aftergame dances in 67/68.His wife, Connie Gisele, went to school w/ my sisters. Needless to say we reminicsed about CLCHS all night before, during, and after the concert.Small World, Huh.
I hope to see China or Turkey someday as well as India and the Maldives.Karen still has a lot of Miles so...we'll see.
Isn't this the same question as School stories from above? I know, you're just trying to catch me having a senior moment.
Again, my masterpiece above.
Manhattan{wehave an apartment in thecity... I know what a snob!] Also, my Mom's house in Fla.
This is getting annoying.
Ziplined w/ my sons in Honduras.
I'm snoring.
Write this comment sheet? Just kidding. Not!
A few Flakes, like not unlike the questionaire.
I like walking in public wearing Ladies clothes. Comeon! What's the Dress code for the Reunion? Are Black Pumps acceptable?
Mom's cooking. I'll really miss it.
Of late, the Olympics.
All types but mainly Rock und Roll.
Reading about my fellow Geeks.
Please! Aren't there enough Confusisms around already.
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