October 19th will mark the 3rd anniversary of this web site!!
There have been 35,590 hits and 658 classmates have created a profile.
Keep it going!!

With a successful 50th Anniversary Reunion nicely behind us, the Organizing Committee met on Oct 12th to debrief and review the final financial picture. In the end, we are happy to report that all expenses covered and a surplus was realized.
A number of factors came in to play to help achieve the surplus including private and corporate donations, a higher than projected number of registrants, and bar sales that exceeded expectations (go figure?!). With all bills paid, there will be over $11,000 available for the Legacy Fund. The Committee was very pleased that we were able to deliver a full, yet reasonable-priced event and still come out ahead!
At our meeting, the Organizing Committee voted to utilize the surplus funds as follows:
1) The web site will be maintained at least for one more year. The cost of this will be between $125 and $200/ year depending on which type of "membership" we maintain (yet to be determined). The higher end membership may enable us to upload more pictures, or videos files that require more "space" on the server.
2) ~60% of remaining funds will be directed toward capitol purchases for Elton Collegiate and/ or the Breakfast Program at Elton. Included in these items will be a new GRAD PHOTO DISPLAY CASE (similar to the existing one at Elton that has reached its capacity); a display case for memorabilia (such as Original ECI jackets, sweaters, cheerleader outfits and team jerseys); and other items such as "small appliances" for the Breakfast program.
3) ~40% of remaining funds will be directed toward scholarships to be set up for the next 4 years to be awarded to Elton graduates seeking to pursue post secondary education. The Committee favored offering ~
(2) $500 scholarships each year to students who, may not have achieved the highest grade, but who have demonstrated hard work, commitment to academic achievement, and have enrolled in a post-secondary institution.
A small committee comprised of Janice Meadows, Carol Cardiff, Susan Meadows and Judy Marvin will meet to finalize the Legacy fund distribution plan including scholarship administration.
If there are any Elton Alumni students/ staff or family who would like to contribute additional funds to extend or sustain the Legacy Fund, donations may be made to
T. Birkhan c/o BDO, 148 10th Street Brandon, MB. R7A 4E6. Receipts for
Charitable donations will be issued as FSPG is a Registered Charity.
Thanks again for your part in making the Elton 50th a success! Don't forget to update your profile from time to time, and send us pictures, stories, etc so the WEB site stays current and interesting.
Have a great year ahead!
Judy Marvin and Janice Meadows

Check out Reunion Humour
" The Class Reunion" submitted by the Carvey's
Doug & Lynne (Outhwaite)
October 3/11
Many thanks to the 479 students, staff & spouses who attended the Elton 50th!! You helped make it a very special weekend.
See what the Local Newspaper had to say about the Elton 50th!
Photos from the anniversary can be viewed by clicking on the following:
Reunion Photos
Photos by Stew
Photos by Class
Photos from the past
Staff Photos
Additional photos can be found by clicking here www.facebook.com/photo.php.
Memorial Tribute
Please click here for a special Memorial Tribute to students and teachers
Please email photos to eltoncollegiate50anniversary@gmail.com so we can post them on the website for all to enjoy - we are trying to work out some "glitches", so please bear with us!
We will be developing a "Quips & Quotes" page. Please email eltoncollegiate50anniversary@gmail.com with any interesting/funny stories (and I'm sure there were lots) that were shared over the weekend.
We plan to keep the website up and running so that you can keep connected to old friends. Please send us any information that we can post to keep the site interesting!
Reflect, Rejoice, Renew
This website is dedicated to our classmates for the purpose of promoting, celebrating and reconnecting with all members of Elton Collegiate. Here you will find the most complete database, created and managed by your reunion committee, free of charge to you. You will find plenty of memories and a great way for you to see what's become of everyone. Come back often and update your information as it changes.
Your participation is essential for it to succeed.
The more you participate, the better it will be!
If you are a registered classmate, welcome back! Enjoy looking at the profiles of old friends BUT don't forget to add/update your own photos and information!