In Memory

Sterling Bess - Class Of 1970 VIEW PROFILE

Sterling Bess

Shared by Scott Hoganson


Deceased Classmate: 1970 Sterling Bess
Date of Birth: October-19-1952
Date Deceased: April-5-2021
Age at Death: 68
Cause of Death: Progressive Heart Failure
Classmate City: Spokane
Classmate State: WA
Classmate Country: USA
Was a Veteran: No
Survived By: His wife of over 35 years Wendy Bess, and sister Lynelle Harkins (class of 68)

Although I knew Sterling for years before, he became one of my best friends in our college years and after. Sterling stood out among his peers, not just because he was taller (6'4"), but because he was smart (NHS), talented (band and orchestra; trumpet) and an excellent athlete (baseball, basketball). We had many adventures in our 20's and 30's, mostly in the outdoors (camping, fishing, hiking, white water rafting, and of course a lot of skiing). Sterling was always willing to enjoy outdoor anything. He spent his career in business accounting (hospitality, agriculture, others). His gentle personality often displayed his big smile. Most importantly, he was a believer and follower of Christ and his spirit lives on today in Paradise (the intermediate Heaven, waiting for his raptured body, soon). I'm so thankful for the wonderful memories we lived. Oh how quickly life can fly away. But for those who are in Christ alone, the best is yet to come!

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04/10/21 02:30 PM #1    

Art Gamst (1970)

04/10/21 02:34 PM #2    

Art Gamst (1970)

#33 was a fellow teammate on the 70's Varsity's team. I wish his family well during this time of loss. I'm so sorry I never kept up with him in the latter years. God Bless his family and I pray them the best.

04/10/21 09:00 PM #3    

Bill King (1970)

I'm so sorry to hear of Sterling's passing, I know that through his faith in Jesus that his eternity is secure.  Most of my interaction with Sterling was during high school through band and orchestra.  We were also part of the same church family.  In my recollection he was a person of great humility and never seemed to get riled up about anything.  My condolences to the family.

04/11/21 08:27 AM #4    

Craig Colton (1970)

All through junior high school (Lampson) and high school, Sterling was probably my best friend. I spent a lot of time at his house, and he at mine. Every New Year's Day, Sterling would come to the house, and my dad would make breakfast (pancakes, eggs, bacon). We would watch football, and at times during the day, would head outside to throw the football. He had a great arm, and I believe he would have made a very good quarterback, had he got involved in HS football. We would also played a lot of one-on-one basketball, and those games were very competitive. After HS, we attended Golden West College, and he and I would often ride in together (he had the car). After college, Sterling would stop by on New Years, and we would catch up. Years later, I fell out of touch with Sterling, but was able to track down his sister, Lynelle, on this site. She said she would let him know I was asking about him, but I did not hear back. Though it has been a long time since I have seen him, I will always cherish all those good times we shared as kids and young adults. And one day of course, I will be able to see him again. FYI, he was 68 years old, as his birthday was 10-19-52. 

10/19/21 03:49 PM #5    

Lynne Harkins (Torgerson) (1971)

I had the biggest crush on Sterling. He was kind enough to agree to go to the Co-ed dance with me my freshman year. Since we were both fairly shy, it was a quiet date. Our families would go camping together in Yosemite. His sister married my brother. He will always be thought of fondly. A good man, lost too soon.


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