In Memory

Ralph Shields VIEW PROFILE

Ralph Shields

Deceased Classmate: Ralph Shields (4/23/1921)
Date Deceased: Nov-01-1992
Age at Death: 70
Cause of Death: Natural Causes
Classmate City: Teacher of Business
Classmate State: CA
Classmate Country: USA
Survived By: Wife- Thelma Shields, Step kids- Randy Dossett, Jacolyn Dossett (Moore), Marty Dossett and families


Mr. Shields
Posted Thursday, August 20, 2009 at 1:32 PM 

As a medical transcriptionist, I thank Mr. Shield for making it a little easier for me. He was a great teacher! He would drive by me and my boyfriend making out in the car before school, and nicknamed me "FOGGY". It must have been the windows ?! He made coming to class fun and embarrassing in a good way....  Posted by Deanne Thorne Arnold (Class of 1970)


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08/19/09 06:58 PM #1    

Carol Gates (King) (1969)

Mr. Shields was one of my favorite teachers. He is largely responsible for my career at Farmers Insurance for 39 years.

01/01/10 09:44 AM #2    

Helga Schnitterbaum (Bergthold) (1971)

I only had one class with Mr. Shields but now, as an executive assistant, I use what he taught me every single day. Thanks, Mr. Shields.

06/11/10 03:26 PM #3    

Gregory Maltsberger (1968)

I had Mr. Shields as typing class instructure. He was reponsible for me working at Ralphs Mkt at the Santa Ana Store. I thank him for all he did for me. I work for Ralphs for 37 years. I retired after the strike in 2004. My typing skills help me to grow with them. One thing he said to me that I took with me, you drop something pick it up. I taught my employes to do just that, it kept the stores clean and neat. Thank you Mr. Shelids you are missed. But you left a little of you in all of us. Greg Maltsberger

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