In Memory


David Selph

 Mr. Selph passed away May 5, 2005 in his beloved Oklahoma.  If you know any details of his life or passing, please post them in your comments on this page.

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10/10/10 07:51 PM #1    

Kent Rasmussen (1969)

Coach Selph was a good ol boy who I enjoyed immensly. He drove me hard, made me a better athlete and football player and was just plain funny. He used to say " Rasmussen, knock the fa out of em'", and I didn't have a clue what fa was , but I still tried to hit hard. So one day at practice, a guy playing behind me kinda screwed up , and Coach Selph gets in my face and asks, Rasmussen , what have I told you to do? I reply "Knock the fa out of em'" He starts laughing hard and soon after, in English this time, not Okie, says" It's knock the fire out of em', knucklehead" and every one on the team gets a good chuckle out of Coach Selph. He was one of the good ones  Rass

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