In Memory

Josephine Vanover (Sanders)

Josephine Vanover (Sanders)

Josephine Vanover was born February 6, 1907 in Shelby Gap (Pike County) Kentucky, the daughter of Ulysses Grant Vanover and Hulda Ratliff.  As a young woman, she traveled to Flint, Michigan to visit a sister-in-law, and was exposed to the wider world outside of rural Kentucky, stimulating her lifetime love of travel. One of her favorite vacation destinations was Havana, Cuba, in the days before Castro.   She studied in Colorado at Denver University, and in 1949, married Dr. Roy Sanders, a Kentucky legislator from District 93.  Sanders was a Kentucky Colonel, and practicing doctor, and operated a hospital in Dorton.  It was his second marriage; and her first.  She was 38, and they never had children.  She was on the faculty of Jenkins High School for many, many years, teaching bookkeeping and typing, skills she thought would help students succeed in life.  She was also a senior advisor, sponsoring trips to Washington, D.C., New York City, Niagra Falls, and to other interesting places.  She wanted her students to experience the wider world that she had so enjoyed.   She had a very interesting life, but kept it to herself.   To all her students, she was no-nonsense, a teacher respected and loved.   Josephine Vanover died November 25, 1999, at the age of 92.   She was preceded in death by her husband Roy, who died in July of 1966, and by her mother and father.  She was laid to rest in Dorton.   


Thanks to Thurman Blizzard for this information.

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04/18/09 01:45 PM #1    

Cora Lea Fleming (Gaither) (1959)

How could anyone who ever attended JHS not remember Ms. Vanover!!! If you were lucky (sometimes) enough to have her as your bookkeeping and typing teacher, those memories would last a lifetime. I will never forget the ruler she carried in her hand when she was watching you type. I lived in fear of having them across my knuckles. However, because of her, I have been able to use the skills learned in her classroom, both in school and in my business life. She was indeed a teacher who cared about her students. Everyone should have had a Josephine Vanover in their lives. Rest in Peace and know you will never be forgotten.

09/26/11 04:31 PM #2    

Billie Wright (Davis) (1961)

What an impressionable teacher!  I loved the Typing 1 and 11 classes I had with her and the extra learning activities I experienced in her class. 

It was interesting to watch her go to the office and call her contacts in Washington, DC, Gettysburg, and NYC to arrange senior trips for class groups.  Thanks to her, many of the students had their first experience of a long trip because of her care and dedication to the students.  

She expected the best from her students and gave them her best.

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