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•   Linda Pugh (Branham) (1961)  2024
•   Lawrence Stevie (Sam P ) Mullins (1962)  2024
•   Melissa Milam (1994)  2024
•   Carles Sizemore (1956)  2020
•   Linda Ann Toler (Dales) (2000)  2024
•   Frank Stevie Campbell (1999)  2024
•   Patricia Franklin (Harris) (1962)  2008
•   Ramona Rife (DeSimone)  2024
•   Jarrett Drake Adkins (2015)  2024
•   Robert Tyler Calhoun (2012)  2024
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•   Heather Fleming (Mullins) (1995)  10/23
•   Goebel Craft (1966)  10/24
•   Chuck Johnson (1971)  10/24
•   Woody Preston (1965)  10/24
•   Leslie Bentley (1994)  10/25
•   Jerry Hall (1986)  10/26
•   Robbie Taylor (1994)  10/26
•   Rita Susan Barker (Johnson) (1975)  10/27
•   Dusty Findlay (Findlay) (2001)  10/27
•   Ellen Smallwood (Brown) (2003)  10/27
•   Billie Wright (Davis) (1961)  10/28
•   Jodi Miller (Christopher) (1989)  10/29
•   Anita Wright (Woods) (1960)  10/29
•   Rabon Banks (1986)  10/30
•   Andrew Jamison DeSimone (1987)  10/30
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Pictured on the front steps of the Old Jenkins High School are classmates from left to right and bottom to top:  

Roy Damron, Lynn Tompkins Pugh, Linda Pannell Hurley, Janice Caudill Phipps, Pam Short Hayden, Juanita Hall Whitaker, Catherine Williams Tucker, Daniel Dotson, Charles Reed, Wayne Mahan, Deborah Hastings Garrett, Steve Ison, Jerry Hayes, Gary Tucker, Ronnie Delph and Rick Brewer. (Not pictured, Gene Williams)


Additionally, a photo is included of a few classmates, some with spouses, taken in Jenkins Park during Homecoming Days.

It certainly was worth the time and the effort to experience a “homecoming” in Jenkins, KY, with dear classmates! On Saturday, August 27th, members of the Jenkins High School Class of 1970 celebrated a two-year delayed 50th high school reunion in Jenkins Park during “Jenkins Homecoming Days” and in the Old Jenkins High School Auditorium.

It was a joyous occasion seeing and hugging childhood friends, some who shared 12 years of school together. We told stories and laughed about times we shared together in Jenkins, Payne Gap, Burdine, Dunham and McRoberts. 

Daniel Dotson welcomed home classmates. Charles Reed delivered the blessing. A delicious meal was catered by CANE Kitchen and Lynn Pugh had Berneda Polly bake two scrumptious cakes for classmates, spouses/guests to enjoy. Lynn Tompkins Pugh led a “remembrance” of deceased classmates. Jerry Hayes made us laugh by remembering things we did and also led us in the UK/Jenkins High School “fight song.” 

Deborah Hastings Garrett introduced our speaker, teacher, coach, author, public servant, D. Charles Dixon. Charles talked about the joy of teaching and coaching, and shared funny stories about student “growth” experiences.

Linda Pannell Hurley, Catherine Williams Tucker, Lynn Tompkins Pugh, Juanita Hall Whitaker and Gary Tucker helped plan the reunion. Linda and Catherine thanked attendees for making this event a priority to be shared with childhood friends. They also awarded “door prizes” of regional, landmark paintings and Appalachian folklore books donated by Jenkins artist and author, Kedrick Sanders.

Gary Tucker shared a portion of the lyrics of “For Good” from the Broadway musical “Wicked” by Steven Schwartz, 2003, highlighting “…being changed for the better because I knew you…l’ve been changed for good.”




The 1962, 1976, 1978, 1993, and 2017 yearbooks have been posted to the Yearbook Link page.



Welcome to the Jenkins High Classes Of 1912 - 2025 web site. Please join us to be added to the site the year that you would have graduated.  You can offer any other information on your profile page that you wish to share.






Link to the Jenkins Independent School System Website

Interview with Undertaker George McCoy 

One of the sayings was that the company brought you into the world with the company Dr. (Dr. Perry) and took you out of the world with the company undertaker (George McCoy)

Article about the Clubs and Organizations of Jenkins

Interview with Bad John Wright

Interview with Dr. T.M. Perry

Odds and Ends


The Jenkins Education Foundation

The Jenkins Education Foundation is asking for your help. Since being established to help enhance the experiences of the students of the Jenkins Independent School System, the Foundation has been able to
help provide playground equipment for the Burdine  Elementary building, and fund needed repairs and updates to the sports fields.
The Foundation is incorporated as a non-profit and has taken ownership of the football and baseball field from the Athletic Field Commission, which is no longer in existence.
The Foundation officers are the present elected school board members of the Jenkins Independent Schools and hold their meetings as needed after the regular school board meetings on the fourth Tuesday of the month. The present members are : Chris Bentley, Chair, Eileen Sanders, Vice Chair, Charlotte Mullins, Paulette Sexton and Sarah Brown
If you would be interested in helping the Foundation please make your contributions to:
The Jenkins Education Foundation
C/O Sarah Brown, Treasurer
Jenkins Independent Schools
P.O. Box 74
Jenkins, KY 41537
