Billy Hughes

Profile Updated: October 15, 2008
Residing In: Tupelo, MS USA
Occupation: Hunter Douglas, Inc. Director, Human Resources
Children: Daland Cranston Jones (currently attending the San Francisco Conservatory of Music in California)


It's very hard for me to even think about the words "30th High School Reunion"! Where did all the time go? It seems to have evaporated so quickly. After graduation in 78, I attended Appalachian State University and received my Degree in Business Management. I immediately went to work for, are you ready for this, the Fruit of the Loom guys! I love the area of Human Resources where you can intimately make a difference in the lives of those you come in contact with. I remained with the company for 18 years and then I made a change. The year that I was turning 40, I had a professional "mid-life" crisis. I loved the work that I did, and I loved the company. However, I began to feel that if I did not venture out of my "comfort zone", I might start to lose that "creativity" that has given me so much happiness and success over the years. So after the holidays were over in 1999, I began to "seek" and I surely did "find" a wonderful company to work for. Hunter Douglas, the world market leader in window coverings and a major manufacturer of architectural products has now been my home for 8 years. The ironic thing is that I am living in Tupelo, Mississippi (the birthplace of Elvis Presley mind you), and there is a Hunter Douglas location right there off Interstate 85 in Bessemer City (Hunter Douglas Designer Shades Division). Crazy, huh? But LIFE has been good. Like most, it's been filled with joy and sadness, good health and physical opportunities. But I would not trade it for anything in the world. Through every season of my LIFE, LIFE has been good, and I've loved every minute of it. As we've gotten older, our philosophies and perspectives have changed. We no longer have to be number one or have the best car in the lot. Whats important now are those people who bring joy and love into our lives and homes. Although I have no children of my own, I have adopted one into my heart. He brings me great joy and gives me renewed purpose, energy and vision. As far as the reunion goes, I know it will be a blast! If it's not too late to sign up (today is Saturday, September 20th), then I'm planning to come. It would be so great to see everyone again after all these years. My only advice to everyone, including myself, is please be kind with any, and all, remarks (Ha)! Remember, at this age in our lives, the last thing we say might actually be the last thing we say! Let's make it good!

School Story:

Cathy Jackson: We never did become famous over that "masterpiece" we were going to create. What's the deal?

Alan Cloninger: So enjoyed our time together as friends at ASU. We struggled at the Walker School of Business but eventually made it.

Regina Patterson: I bet you are still as beautiful as ever. Don't let your husband hit me. I've lost weight!

Gina Patterson: You were, and still are, the epitamy of class and style.

Debbie Armstrong: You always gave me strength and made me feel beeter about life?

Sharon Eaker and Cathy Barnett: We have remained close through the years, and for that I am truly "THANKFUL". You are not only my friends, but you are my family.

Keith Williams: How in the world are you?

I could go on and on and on because there is a memory attached with each face in the high school yearbook. But I'll stop. The school story will continue at the reunion.

I decided not to post any photographs because I want to see who recognizes me on the day of the reunion. Roxanne Scism, you can't play since I recently saw you at my sister's surprise birthday party. Roxanne, you looked great!!!!!

UPDATE: Since I was unable to make the reunion, here are a couple of photographs. I still can not believe that I was unable to be at the reunion.

I was so excited about attending and had even contacted numerous classmates in advance requiring their attendance. I promise you all that I was definitely not a "No-Show" based on choice. Unfortunately, I had to cancel my flight at the last minute due to a medical emergency that surfaced on the Monday prior to the reunion date. I painfully encountered a herniated disk w/nerve impingement to my left hip/leg/foot. Does that tell my age or what? Now, if I had been "Break Dancing" like many of you (courtesy of the great photographs,) I possibly could have accepted defeat with a back problem. But people, I was just getting out of bed (Ha)! Go figure! But the evidence was truly in the pictures. Everyone looked so great. And I missed each and everyone. I intentionally did not post any photographs of me on my profile because I wanted to see if anyone would recognize me at the reunion. And no Kathy Jackson, I did not have an "operation" as you daringly posed in the form of a question (I LOVE YOU KATHY). I just wanted to embrace the group with no sense of expectation, but every element of surprise. I will post a photograph on my profile so everyone will know that I'm still the same ole Bill. I just turned 48 on September 28th, and I hosted my own birthday party on the rooftop of one of Tupleo's best restaurants (my opinion) Park Heights. The party raised funds for the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and it was a blast. But still, not the blast you all had. To the reunion team, "Thank You" for all you did, and are doing, to keep our class family together. Please continue to plan future events, and I promise "I'LL BE THERE"!

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Billy Hughes has a birthday today.
Sep 28, 2023 at 4:33 AM
Billy Hughes has a birthday today.
Sep 28, 2022 at 4:33 AM
Billy Hughes has a birthday today.
Sep 28, 2021 at 4:33 AM
Billy Hughes has a birthday today.
Sep 28, 2020 at 4:33 AM
Billy Hughes has a birthday today.
Sep 28, 2019 at 4:33 AM
Billy Hughes has a birthday today.
Sep 28, 2018 at 4:33 AM
Billy Hughes has a birthday today.
Sep 28, 2017 at 4:33 AM
Billy Hughes has a birthday today.
Sep 28, 2015 at 4:33 AM
Billy Hughes has a birthday today.
Sep 28, 2014 at 4:33 AM
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:45 PM
At my "Make-A-Wish" Birthday Party!
Posted: Dec 16, 2013 at 11:45 PM
Relaxing after my "Make-A-Wish" Birthday Party.