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04/04/11 01:21 PM #1    


Linda Siert (Johnson)

Welcome to the forums. Please press "Post Response" to participate in the discussion.

08/24/11 10:39 PM #2    

Daniel Olson


I am on the reunion committee in a lesser role.  

Please, those of you who are thinking about coming to Omaha, just say Yes! (sorry, Ms. Reagan)...this is a great time to see lots of folks from all over the USA whom you may not have seen in many a chance to see your old neighborhood...'one-stop-shopping,' as I think of it.

For the '61'ers who live in the Neb. Iowa area, such as myself, we very much look forward to seeing our far-flung friends, whether from the two newest States, or the older Colonies 'back East'...and not to forget Professor DaSilva's Portugal (waaaay back East)! ...y'all come!

There will be many who decide to come  in the next few days (Bid Taylor's WHS grad/sister Mary, a 'fetus,' about 8 yrs younger than us, reported that they had huge #'s of classmates jump on board in the two weeks before the reunion...gets tricky for the sweathogs at committee HQ's, when there is so much procrastination, so please do make a decision > 2 wks before D-Day).

Best to you, whether you can make it or not ...

Regards, Dan Olson

PS-to classmates who fell--'and can't get up!'-- into the 'web' of reading this, as a redeeming offering, get a look at Gregg Millett's website for whs '57 at ... you'll read unseemly stories (like Bud Walling's, about riding his horse to WHS, & tying it up at a barn that the next yr was the site of Laurence & 'Virgie' Myer's Countryside Village).

Explore it --at least the'projects' link, WHS class of '57 on the site; also his dad's China photos of WWII...his younger sister Mollie married Glenn Vaad; bro Gary '62...'57 class had Pat Fischer, 17 yr all NFL safety at Wash., & Terry Kiser, a great actor. 

then, for fun, see the '59 link with pics of Nick Nolte at Countryside dressed as he was in Jefferson in Paris (talk about anachronisms!) --the '59 site is:


01/20/21 11:24 AM #3    


Lhammer Hammer

Are there any plans afoot for a '60th' reunion this year.  Any help I could provide from San Antonio is available for the asking.  Not sure what it might be but would be happy to help if I can.

Larry Hammer

02/21/21 06:51 PM #4    


Linda Siert (Johnson)

So glad you asked, Larry...and so glad you're going to be a part of the organizing committee. So far we have 10 people committed to helping organize a reunion, and I'm all in if we can get 20 others to indicate they're interested in attending. Look for more info on the home page of the website.

02/22/21 10:51 AM #5    

A. Felix Meyer

Re reunion, count me in.


02/22/21 01:52 PM #6    


Christina Swanson (Waters)

Aloha from Hawaii, I will try to come. Send me details as you get them.

Hugs to all, Christine Waters ( Tina Swanson)

02/23/21 11:48 AM #7    


Linda Siert (Johnson)

I would really like to get in touch with Tanya Ware McCall. Her son, Chris Ware, is a widely respected, highly honored graphic artist. From what I could piece together from bits of information I could gather from the web about Chris, their journey was almost as difficult as it has been successful. I seem to remember Tanya wanted to be counted among the Texas classmates at the time of our 50th, but she left no further information. If anyone knows where she is, I'd love to know.

02/26/21 03:51 AM #8    


Nuno Da Silva

I thank Dan Olson for thinking of me in connection with the reunion. I am well enough and so far I am untouched by the Covid 19, but I doubt that under present circumstances I would be allowed to travel to the US. Maybe next time...

03/13/21 04:28 PM #9    

Linda Peterson (Rogers)

Greetings from snowy Boulder, CO. Thanks so much to all of you who are orgainizing our 60th reunion. It doesn't seem possible. I would love to come - it will just depend on the dates. Will stay in touch.

Best,  Linda (Peterson) Rogers




04/01/21 07:47 PM #10    


Linda Siert (Johnson)

Tom Austin made a very intriguing suggestion:

From:  Tom Austin

Linda, Just an idea. Could the reunion be virtual as well as live? This would pick up all the people that may not be able to get there. This could make us the largest Reunion in history of the school. Get some Westside kids that could do this, to let everyone log into it so we could talk with each other on both ends for every part of the reunion and see who we were talking with. Thanks, Tom Austin 
I'll be checking with the technology folks at Westside, but, in the meantime, if anyone has a suggestion how this might best be done, please leave a message.

04/02/21 11:37 AM #11    

Jim Moore

I was a delegate to the 2020 Democratic National Convention, and we zoomed everything for four days.  Worked pretty smoothly.

Jim Moore



04/05/21 05:26 AM #12    

Jim Moore


Sorry for the delay, Linda, but we are in the midst of branding out here in God’s country.   Zooming permits interaction among participants, either via a chat mode or direct voice communication.  It is fairly easy to set up, as long as you have email addresses to notify folks of time and place.  Westside will have a zoom account, I’m sure, and will know how to deal with the technical details.  I’m betting the Westside tour and the get together at the gardens would garner the most interest.



05/06/21 10:26 AM #13    


Linda Siert (Johnson)

I checked with the pros at Zoom and they assure me we can share the experience over the web. We'll provide the links a week prior to the reunion that will get anyone who belongs to this site to each of the events as it occurs.

05/14/21 12:59 PM #14    


Thomas Austin

Inline Image Not Displayed
   Hey, has anyone thought about being 78 years old?   Well, if you went to Westside Highschool and graduated in 1961 you might be there.

I have been confined with corvid 19, with worries of going anywhere and that it may be harmful to my health, I have started writing “MY STORY”, a story of my crazy life.  It includes all the women, business successes and failures and how God came in and changed my life.  It is totally ADULT rated and none of you are in it negatively. I told about my life from birth to now. This document is not that story.  It is available to anyone who is interested and contacts me concerning it.  What I am writing below is a summary of my memories of growing up in Westside High School.

As I see the corvid 19 crisis happening.  I sit here at home, bringing back memories of my past.  I came from a dysfunctional home where my father thought he was Adolf Hitler. So, coming to school was a real treat and I did not want to leave.  It is all you guys I am sending this to, and some earlier and higher grades. I started grade school at Oakdale school and went from there to Westside High in the 7th grade.  I was never a good student, but it was always fun to see all of you.  You were always great to be around.

I remember Alice Gillogly in the office, she was always so nice.   Mr. Winchell went out of his way to help me.  I had Attention Deficit Disorder but at that time it had no name, and it could make me look stupid.  He took his own time to give me IQ tests and I took four of them, each showing a different score, but they were always in the 140 area.  He said that with a 140 IQ I should be getting A’s, but I was working hard to just get a C grade.  He was the first to recognize there was a problem, but it was many years later that medical science discovered that many children have the problem, and they gave it a name - Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD for short.  Ms. Hoyt in English literature was tough but excellent at teaching me to write.  Mr. Tangdal went on to become principle when my daughter went to Westside 30+ years later.  Coaches Lane & Hoyt, Mrs. Clark in drama, and typing teacher Miss Allen. Coach Morrissey in PE, and Mr. Andreas who taught World History.   Each of these teachers gave me skills that I have used in my career and life. 

Thank you, Terry Rusthoven, for being my friend when you came to Westside. For all the times we had together, double dating in high school, being a fraternity brother at Nebraska, and all the screwing around we did later.   Going to Canada with me to the Quantico Canoe Country was a fun adventure.  All we had were maps to go from the large lake to the next lake and portaging all our gear and canoeing to the next lake. No power poles, telephone lines, roads and usually no one else in sight. The fishing was great, we ran into a storm and paddled hard to get to our campground.   There was no need to call for help because there was no one to respond.  I deeply appreciate your friendship and hope life is going well for you and your family. May God Bless you both.

Jean Encell Rusthoven, thank you for being my friend from junior high throughout high school and my first summer back home from college. I loved you all that time, but I felt it was better to part and I think you felt it was not going to work for the two of us as well.  You have done well.  Terry has given you a great life. I never lied to you and you are the only other girl I genuinely loved besides my wife Alice.  Seriously, I feel ashamed that I have never talked with you for about 50 years.  That is because I did not know what to say and I did not want it to look like I was coming on to you.  I am sorry that I sounded so disjointed when I called, but I really did not know what to say.  May God bless you and your family, for the rest of your life, and thank you for being my friend for all those years. 

Susie Miller, please forgive me for standing you up after I gave you a ride home two nights before.  You were so nice to talk with and let me kiss you good night.  The reason I did not show up was I had just gotten a registered letter that day from the US Army that I had been avoiding, telling me they were sending the military police out to handcuff me, and I was going to Viet Nam.  I had already signed up with the Army Reserve but somehow the paperwork was not getting to the draft board.  I was in a panic and not thinking straight and was out of my mind.  I was not talkable so went to Mr.  Winchell from Westside because I knew he had been in the army before teaching at Westside. I had several classes with him from the eighth grade to graduation.  He could have said drop dead you have been gone for a year and a half from Westside, but he did not.  He called an Army Major who he had tutored through college and owed him some favors.  I met that Major and he got it straighten out with the draft board and got me into Mr. Winchell’s army reserve unit in Omaha.  All that took several weeks to get done and I was sent to basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. By then you were probably in college somewhere, I think Illinois, but I cannot remember exactly were.  I am terribly sorry because I had wanted to see you again before you left.  I understood your innocence and I truly feel responsible for any problems you may have had.  I am sure you are a wonderful woman and I hope life has gone well for you.  Thank you for your friendship, May God bless you.

Bill Steel is now deceased, and I miss him. We went to Westside and he later went to Creighton Prep Highschool, but we were on the same swim team.  He was also a fraternity brother.  His wife, Diane, was so nice to tell me the news.  Best wishes to your family Diane.

Steve Miller who I went to school with at Oakdale, Westside and our first semester in college, I have seen at the Westside reunions.  You have done very well for yourself and family.  I have not seen you since the fourth reunion.  You are a good man.

Curt Chiles and I have known each other since we were five years old.  We went to Oakdale and Westside together.  The last time I saw you was in Denver and your business life was doing well but your married life had some problems.  I hope that changed.  The last time I saw you was when my girlfriend, who is now my wife, and you went to dinner in Denver. I hope life is going well.  Please say hi to your sister Sue class of 1957 and your brother Scott class of 1954, I think.  All who went to Westside earlier than we did.  You are a good man.

To the little girl that asked me to dance with her at our senior dance and I said it would not be fair to my date to do that.    Please forgive me.  At this age I cannot remember your name, but I feel so ashamed.  I did not recognize that you did not have a date and you got all dressed up for the senior dance and came to it by yourself.  Please forgive my rudeness, stupidity and for not dancing with you.  I have gotten wiser with age and still feel badly about that!

Pam Newhart, the last time I saw her was the fourth reunion when her husband was not able to come.  She was kind enough to seek me out and say Hi.  I have good memories of talking with her, double dating with her and her friendship.  May God bless her family.

Sandy Hancock Greeves, thank you for being my date in the seventh grade when I took you behind a tree at Peony Park and kissed you while my parents were waiting to take us home.  Many years later, you brought Dave Greeves to meet us; I cannot remember if you were dating or married.  It was when we lived in Ginger Cove and we went to dinner.  I thought he was such a great guy, I felt that you would have a great life together.  Its’ been at least 50 years by now and I hope life is going well for you both.  We get your hand made Christmas Card each year and my wife has kept them all.  Thank you for telling me I was too fat at the fourth reunion.  You were right but was the only one with the guts to tell me.  At that time, when we were living in Ginger Cove, we were working two companies.  I was selling computer and high-speed communications devices, new and used, a software employees’ company that we leased out to any company in the U.S.  And a second company in Orlando, FL where I was financing people that could not, for any reason, get a mortgage.  A bitch of a job but done right was very profitable. I was too busy to think about my health.  However, since retiring, I have lost over seventy pounds and have gone from a 44 waist to a 36-inch waist.  Please say hi to Dave for me he is such a great man.  I hope life goes well for you and your family.

Doug Dietrich, I have not seen you for years, but I saw your brother and father at a trade show several years ago.  You had a date, but I do not remember who it was, and we went to a dance at peony park I think, and Todd’s drive in food service, in my jeep.  My date was Nancy Campbell, who I thank for going out with me, I hope life is going well for both of you and thank you for your friendship.

 Nancy Campbell thanks for going to the dance with me and for being such a nice person. Thank you for emailing me about a year ago.  I mis not seeing your smile, I hope life is going well for your family.

Marcy Malone, I have not seen you for years.  I enjoyed the time we had together, please say hi to your brother and your mother if she is still living.                                     

Annette Cajacob, I have not seen you for years.  It looks like you may live somewhere in Florida, I hope life is going well and you and your family are doing well.  I live near Ft Myers and if you and your husband live nearby, please contact us.  My wife would enjoy meeting you. You were always fun to be with.

I saw you, Ann Mc Daniels, and helped you with the fourth reunion.  Your husband was such a nice guy and it looked like life was going well for the two of you.  “Thank You”- to you and your husband for having a dinner at your home for all of us that worked on the fourth reunion.  Your house and yard were   beautiful.

Sherrill Brown, thank you for going to school with me, seeing you in my doctor’s office and again at the fourth reunion.   You and your husband sat with us.  He seems like such a good man and you both looked happy, I hope life is still going well for you and your family.

Rosy Vecchio, thank you for being a friend at school, I tried to get you to come to the fourth reunion, but I never saw you there.  Hope life is going well for you and your family.

Ron Thorngren, I am sorry Patti is no longer living.  I thank you both for being so nice to me over all those years.  I hope life is going well for your family.  I remember seeing you at the reunions.

Jay Clark, I remember seeing and talking with you at some of the reunions which was good.

Bob Chrisman, I have not seen you for years, thanks for running around with me and being a good friend. I think you were at the 40th reunion at my home on the lake.  Hope life is going well for you and your family.

Tina Swanson, it was good seeing you at some of the reunions and I appreciate your email.  It looks like you live in Hawaii and are recently married.  I remember when we sat together on a bus or train going to a football game, I think it was, and we both fell asleep.   I remember in junior high when you and your brother showed us all how to dance to rock and roll music.  You guys were good.  Thank you for being a friend.

Steve Durham, Thanks for being my friend at Westside and college.  I remember seeing you and your wife at the third or fourth reunion.  You both looked great.  I think you may have been in the service in a combat training area.  I was as well and worked with the Airborne and Special Forces recruiting.  I later went back through OCS and became a 2nd Lieutenant.  That was a bitch getting through, the dropout rate was huge.   Thank you for being my friend.  Also, my wife and I meet Bill and LaDon Kallmer at Church down here in Florida.  They are snowbirds who we have gotten to know well.  Bill worked and retired from HDR.  I hope life is going well for you and your family.

Bob Duncan, it was good being in class with you.  I assume you are still flying.  I remember when you use to fly over to see your girlfriend in Iowa. Thank you for being a friend at Westside.

Karen King class of 1961 and Woody Maynard (class of 1959), I know both of you and I think you got married.  If I am wrong, please forgive me.  Thank you both for being a friend to me.  Woody and I use to ride horses together.

Sandy Jenkins, you were always so friendly to me, it is good remembering you, thank you for your kindness to me.

Denny Mc Artel, class of 1959.  It was fun growing up together and being such a good friend when we were little kids and after Westside.  I enjoyed meeting your wife, you met her in the hospital, I think.  Please say hi to your family that is still living.  Your dad was a good doctor and man.  I hope life is going well for you and your wife and family.

Larry Myers class of 1958?  Thank you for being such a leader of men and women.  We went to high school and college together and the last time I saw you was at the JCC swimming pool in Omaha, when I had my kids there.  Please say hi to your sister Sue, who was always so nice.  Thank you for being a friend to me all those years.

Jim Trester, class of 1959?    We were kids and neighbors about a block away.  Thanks to you and your father for helping me get a job at Metropolitan Utilities District for two summers and later a job there for college students.  I worked about 35 hours a week taking complaints from customers that had problems with their water and gas.  It is that job that got me through college.  I hope life is going well for you and your family.

Bill Encell, class of 1958, I am glad you were at Westside and a fraternity brother.   You were a true friend when I was in pain. I remember going to your wedding and seeing both you and Kathy at the reception.  

Dick Durban, We went to Oakdale and Westside together.  I appreciated your email.

Sonny Brown, who went to Westside about two years ahead of me.  You were the only black student in the school and one of the best liked by everyone.  Your father was a janitor there and an extremely nice person.  I hope life is going well for you and your family.  You were always one of the nicest guys in the school.

Terry Campbell. thanks for your email I am glad we were in school together.

Kathy Venice, you went to Oakdale and Westside with me.  You were always so nice to me. I am deeply sorry I had a date the night you called to go to a Westside dance, and I never got back to you. You were always a wonderful girl and friend to me.  I hope life is going well for you and your family. 

Murphy Thomas, you were always so nice to talk with and see in school. I hope life is going well for you and your family.

Sharon Church, it was such fun to see her at the reunions.  We worked together on the fourth reunion and I met her husband. She was always so much fun to be with in high school. 

Rusty Bendorf, was a friend.  He helped me shovel snow in the winter.  We cleared a lot of driveways and walks together.

Nick Nolty, class of 1958, you did not know me well, but you were always nice to me.  I used to see you in football practice and on the track team in spring.  We always envied all the women that use to chase you all night and you still showed up for practice.  Thank you for being so nice to a younger classmate.

Claudia Ostwinkel class of 1963, I hope life is going well for you and you have found a good husband and family.  You were always so nice and kind to me and I deeply appreciate your friendship.  Say hi to your mother for me if she is still living.  She was always such a nice gal.  If my wife and I can help you somehow please call or email us.

My experiences after High School are in “MY STORY”.  My service time with the Army Airborne and Special Forces- Green Berets is in “MY STORY”.  I went on to college and moved to California and invested in Real Estate.  I became a Chemical and Pharmaceutical Purchasing Agent.  Before I married my wife, one girl took me away from the girl I was going to marry.  She had sex totally different than any other women I had ever been with.  The Urologic Medical Doctor I saw for pain was screaming at me that I needed to get away from her immediately because I needed surgery from overuse.  This story is in “MY STORY”.  I finally came to my senses and Alice and I were married in 1969 in CA.  We were soon called back to Omaha because my family needed me to take over the Halloween plant for my parents.  After 5 years I sold it and went into sales of Data Entry, Data Processing, Computers, High Speed Communications - (modems & much faster). Through those years, we stayed in Real estate investments, moved to FL, and eventually bought a property that involved Mercantile Bank.  We lost because Mercantile was involved in fraudulent dealings when we signed our loan agreement with them.  We were unaware of what was going on and what would eventually change our financial future. Mercantile bank had about 130 banks in Florida, Georgia and South Carolina that were caught for fraud, and was trying to take about three-four $ Million dollars from us.

“VERY, VERY SERIOUSLY” – If any of you know of a Very Well-Connected Attorney that has handled the FDIC which is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and he has Washington DC, connections.  I have a $Multi- Million-dollar bone to pick with them.  I have been to over 150 attorneys and only three of them had done it.  All three have told me that unless I have 4 Million dollars up front and spendable, in other words, kiss it goodbye and still be happy with life, they would try the case, but it had to go all the way to the Supreme Court, and it would have taken that much to do it.  The FDIC knows it and it has a two-year window to sue if you have a claim or were damaged in the actions they took.  After seeing this past year how some attorneys can take a guilty person out of jail that has been convicted of a crime and sent to jail and another attorney can get him set free.  I had given up before, but now I see that with the right connections, anything is possible. I have documentation and it is on the internet where American Bank out of Saint Paul, Minnesota and two smaller banks, sued Mercantile Bank from Jacksonville, Florida for about $45 Million for fraud and the FDIC got involved. We were injured in the last large deal we were doing because Mercantile was our lender. Mercantile defrauded both the banks plus the FDIC. So, some of them went to prison for their actions. The attorney is going to make some serious money with this deal if he has the right knowledge and connections to get through all the obstacles the FDIC can throw at them.  He can contact me or if you have a name and location- I will run him down.

Thanks to all the Westside girls that held my hand and let me kiss you at the door good night.  It is mainly after Westside and all the women before marriage and after.  No, I do not cheat, but I have been asked to a lot.  There is so much that comes your way if you are on the road and my audience was always Vice President or President and their chief technical advisor. Somehow all the Vice Presidents and President have the best-looking secretaries.  I do not know why that is, but it seemed to be that way in most all companies.  All these guys I called on for many years were in the Midwest and if you dress well, have confidence, and drive a nice car you are a target for some woman to look at you and say if I were with him, I would not have to work!  What they did not know was my wife ran the inside of the companies, handled all the paperwork, answered the telephone, and had a bookkeeper to manage beside managing the family, getting the meals ready and cleaning up after we ate.  She was working her butt off all day while I was out seeing customers. She is wonderful and I thank God for her every day.  We have been married 52 years.

If any one of you have a good, reliable, safe, and effective way to correct erectile dysfunction-ED, I would like to know of it.   My doctor has recommended some shot I can give myself, but they are $120 a shot.  That would be $600 a day and Medicare will not cover it for that activity.  My wife hopes No One has a recommendation, she is tired! ☹

Hi to everyone that went to the 50th Reunion.  I went to all the rest of them except the 50th.  I was fighting Mercantile Bank at that time and could not come.  Thanks to all you guys, you have been great.

Paul Pickrel; Dan Olson; Chuck Peterson; Robert Reigle; Malcolm MacFarlane; George W. Schabloske, Jr.; Craig Zamzow; Bob Saffer; Bill Marquardt, Ron Thorngren; Donald B. Francis; Woody Earl; Larry McChesney; Linda Siert Johnson; Felix Meyer; Ed Reitan; Stephen W. Mellor, Murph Thomas Levy; Jane Reichmann Olson; Kathy Vanice Baron; Carol Thomsen McChesney; Ann McDaniel Stinson; Sheri Humphrey Dodd; Billie Poulson Lenz; Elizabeth Ruck Ward; Diane Finley Sipieter; Sharron Newstrom Mathieu, Tony Blieberger; Larry Hammer; Bob Lewis; Bruce R. Lauritzen; David Baxter; Terry Campbell; Bill   Loren Drum Ron Jessen, Gary Hannibal; Cherie Brown Tingelhoff; Suzie Falk Ahlstrand; Roger D. Ball; Tom Burton; Bob Chrisman; John A. Leary; Bill Kovar; Jim Forehead; Linda Peterson Rogers; Bid Taylor; Curt Abdouch, Krystie Field Wallace; Joanna Poulson Baxter; Connie Marie Fleming Colvin; Jana Doxon Knudsen; Nancy Campbell Janike; Gayle Fiala Saffer; Barbara Falkenroth Stout; Andrea Dale Sanders; Rosemary Kuncl Northwall; Mary Hackbarth Hert

Hi to everyone at the 40th Reunion.  It was so good to see you all again.

Craig Zamzow, Bill Marquardt, Cliff Peppers, Steve Redick, Al Mackiewicz, Ron Jessen, Steve Mellor, Dick Treakle, Tom Burton, Tom Austin, Terry Rusthoven, Dan Olson, Don Magdanz, Steve Durham, Jim Forehead, Sally Sheppard Thomas, Kathleen Pedersen Vosik, Krystie Field Wallace, Cheryl Brown Tingelhoff, Linda Peterson Rogers, Gayle Fiala Saffer, Bob Saffer, Ann McDaniel Stinson, Ed Reitan, Bob Lewis, Terry Busskohl, Felix Meyer, George Papineau, Rosemary Kuncl Northwall, Linda Kaul Reese, Connie Fleming Colvin, Marie Norem Stephens, Mary Hackbarth Hert, Carol Deadman Lockwood, Barbara Torpy Von Tersch, Linda Utiger, Andrea Dale Sanders, Sharon Church Anderson, Gary Hannibal, Larry Hammer, Loren Drum, Dennis Hopkins, Suzie Falk Ahlstrand, George Schabloske, John Bucholz, Bob Chrisman, Tony Blieberger, Ralph Perkins, Paul Pickrel, Chuck Mumma, Doug Wells, Sandy Hancock Greaves, Jane Reichmann Olson, Patty O'Laughlin Thorngren, Dave Baxter, Bid Taylor, Larry McChesney, J Clark, Ron Thorngren, Dan Corcoran, Dick Watson, Linda Kimmel Downing, Pam Neuharth Siegfried, Marilyn Allgaier Walker, Elaine Schaap Gendron, Jo Poulson Baxter, Carol Kolash, Jana Doxon Knudsen, Sharron Newstrom Mathieu, Barbara Falkenroth Stout, Linda Siert Johnson, Billie Poulson Lenz, Judy Williams Chapman, Carol Thomsen McChesney, Phyllis Thompson Arledge.

Thank all of you guys for being so kind and friendly to me.  Westside school is a wonderful school and still seems to be growing stronger.  If I can help any of you guys in some way, please let me know. I genuinely love you all. It sounds like they are looking at another reunion in October of this year. 
I would like to make the 60th if possible, but there are many things to consider.  I hope you all consider this 60th reunion and make it a special one.  I would like to see you all there.  If we need to connect thru Zoom, that will be better than nothing.  

The last ten years are fading out, but the Westside years are still there. I hope I can see you all.  I have an idea to let the reunion go as planned but put some virtual cameras in each event so many of us could see and talk with each other.  I am sure Westside has some kids that could set this up for us and we would have the largest reunion in the history of the school.  It would also be helpful for those who are not able to come.

 I am writing the story of my life with all the ups and downs, but it is completely ADULT rated.  If anyone wants to read it just send me an email and I will send you a copy when it is finished.  It is not for public publication.  My wife and I hope to see you all at the reunion.

Very Sincerely,                                                    

Tom Austin   


08/07/21 01:22 PM #15    


Christina Swanson (Waters)


Can you e-mail me the form to send to Gary. I sent it he did not receive it. So I need to fill out another.

Mahalo, Christine(Tina)

08/07/21 02:16 PM #16    


Thomas Austin

Dear Westside people, I graduated in 1961 and that makes me 78 years old.  I have recently found a product that makes me feel physically and mentally about 5-10 years younger or more.  I have enclosed the information on it.  I have Alzheimer’s and it has shown me what it can do to a person and its not fun.  Besides not remembering, it can take strength away in your entire body.  I could not walk well or run, and it affected my balance. I uncontrollably walked as if I was very drunk, and my arms and legs have cuts and bruises on them from hitting doorways.  Our neighbor next door to us just died of it about six months ago.  He was a dynamic guy four to five years ago and had a company and three large planes that carried freight.  He had done well for himself and his wife who has been a nurse at Mayo’s Clinic for about 40 years.  We saw the decline he went through.  My doctor first diagnosed me about four years ago and I did not believe him. I currently work out 6 days a week, swimming 45 laps of a three-quarter length Olympic pool 3 days and working out in a gym called Planet Fitness 3 days a week for about 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours.  I have lost about 60-70 lbs.  and eat a breakfast bar at noon, since starting this regiment and I also eat once per day at dinner.

My brother-in-law tried a product called Liquid Turmeric with Curcumin for a bowel disorder and it did no good for him.  They are snowbirds from Pennsylvania and when they go back home from their place down here, they leave items here that need refrigeration.  This Turmeric sat in our refrigerator for about two months, so I got it out and looked it up online.  I saw it was good for memory and strength, so I started taking it and did so for a few days and noticed that my memory was getting clearer, and my body strength was greatly improving. My memory is not improving but is clearer.  Now I think I’m 20 years old and women are starting to look interesting to me.  My wife is now taking it and she’s back on birth control!!! (It’s not quite that good)

This product does not work for everybody so it may or may not work for you.  Both my general doctor and my Alzheimer’s doctor take it daily.  I am putting a write up on the product with this email.  Amazon and Walmart carry the liquid form (by order only) and Walgreens and Walmart plus others, carry it in the pill form only.  I am taking the liquid form and it takes one tablespoon which is 1000 milligrams daily.  Both my doctors were greatly surprised, and my general physician came over to me and checked my arms for bruises and cuts and there were none.  He did not believe me when he said how are you doing, and I said GREAT. 

If any of this is useful to some of you – God Bless you.

 Please {remember the 60th reunion in October.}  We don’t know yet whether we will be able to make it.

It was GREAT talking with all of you again.


Tom Austin



12 Scientific Health Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin

By Lauren Bedosky Medically Reviewed by Kelly Kennedy, RD

Reviewed: September 16, 2019

Medically Reviewed

There’s no shortage of health claims about curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. But what does the research say?


Turmeric can help fight inflammation, potentially helping reduce your risk for various chronic diseases.

Like many spices, turmeric (Curcuma longa) has a long history of use in traditional medicine. This flavor-filled spice is primarily cultivated from the rhizomes, or roots, of a flowering plant in India and other parts of Southeast Asia, and aside from giving curry its vibrant yellow color, turmeric is also known for having potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, according to a past review.

The primary active component of turmeric — and the one that gives the spice its characteristic yellow color — is curcumin. In fact, you can credit curcumin as the compound responsible for most of turmeric’s potential health benefits. “Curcumin is a natural antioxidant that has anti-inflammatory benefits, as well as [possible] benefits related to slowing the aging process and preventing Alzheimer's disease and potentially depression,” says San Diego, California–based Elizabeth Ann Shaw, RDN, owner of Shaw’s Simple Swaps Consulting. As you age, increasing Turmeric intake, as well as an appropriate Medicare Plan coverage can  assist in proper care.

Unfortunately, turmeric (and curcumin on its own) doesn’t absorb well into the bloodstream, and having it in curry once a month is unlikely to give you the desired anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits, says Dana Angelo White, RD, owner of Dana White Nutrition. To reach the amounts of turmeric and curcumin shown to offer benefits in research studies, you’ll have to turn to supplements.

Still, you may be able to reap benefits by adding black pepper anytime you use turmeric, and/or taking a turmeric supplement that incorporates black pepper. “There is a compound in black pepper called piperine that actually helps to make turmeric more bioavailable,” White explains. Bioavailability refers to the amount of a substance that’s absorbed or able to be used by the body For instance, a past study found that consuming 20 milligrams (mg) of piperine along with 2 grams (g) of curcumin increased bioavailability by 2,000 percent.

1. Curcumin Is an Anti-Inflammatory

One of turmeric’s main claims to fame is that it’s commonly used to fight inflammation, and the bulk of turmeric’s inflammation-fighting powers can be credited to curcumin. In fact, in the right dose, curcumin may be a more effective anti-inflammatory treatment than common inflammation-fighting medications such as Advil (ibuprofen) and aspirin, according to a past study.

2. Curcumin May Protect Against Heart Disease

A past study shows that curcumin may improve endothelial function, or the health of the thin membrane that covers the inside of the heart and blood vessels. This membrane plays a key role in regulating blood pressure. Lower endothelial function is associated with aging and an increased risk of heart disease. Thus, curcumin may help protect against age-related loss of function and reduce your likelihood of developing heart disease.

In one study, researchers compared the effects of an eight-week aerobic exercise program and a curcumin supplement in improving endothelial function in postmenopausal women. Both the exercise and the curcumin group saw equal improvements in endothelial function, whereas the control group saw no changes.

Another study found that curcumin was equally effective at improving endothelial function in people with type 2 diabetes (heart disease is a common comorbidity of type 2) as the drug Lipitor (atorvastatin), a medication commonly prescribed to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Still, more research is needed to determine if curcumin is a safe and effective long-term treatment strategy for people with heart disease.

3. Curcumin May Prevent (and Possibly Help Treat) Cancer

As inflammation is linked to tumor growth, anti-inflammatory compounds such as curcumin may play a role in treating and preventing a variety of cancer types, including colorectalpancreaticprostatebreast, and gastric cancers. (1) In fact, research in mice suggests that curcumin may help slow the spread of tumor cells and may even prevent tumors from forming in the first place. It may do this in several ways, including disrupting the formation of cancerous cells at various stages in the cell cycle, interfering with cell signaling pathways, and even causing those cancerous cells to die.

Whether curcumin can help treat cancer in humans has yet to be determined, but the research is ongoing.

4. Curcumin May Help Ease Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

Thanks to its potent anti-inflammatory properties, curcumin may be a safe and effective long-term treatment option for people with osteoarthritis (OA). In a past study, people with osteoarthritis who took 1,000 mg/day of Meriva experienced significant improvements in stiffness and physical function after eight months, whereas the control group saw no improvements. Meriva is a proprietary treatment made up of a natural curcuminoid mixture (75 percent curcumin; 15 percent demethoxycurcumin; and 10 percent bisdemethoxycurcumin), phosphatidylcholine (a chemical found in eggs, soybeans, and other foods), and microcrystalline cellulose (a refined wood pulp commonly used by the pharmaceutical and food industries).

And a study in mice published in the June 2016 issue of Arthritis Research & Therapy found that 50 mg oral curcumin per kilogram (kg) body weight significantly slowed the progression of OA, whereas a topical curcumin treatment provided pain relief.  That said, whether these benefits would apply to humans has yet to be seen.  

5. Curcumin May Help Treat or Prevent Diabetes

According to a past review of studies, curcumin may help treat and prevent diabetes, as well as associated disorders like diabetic nephropathy (also called diabetic kidney disease), which affects people with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. One drawback: Many of the studies have been done only in animals, not humans.

For example, one study found that feeding 80 mg of tetrahydrocurcumin (one of the main substances of curcumin) per kg body weight to rats with type 2 diabetes for 45 days led to a significant decrease in blood sugar, as well as an increase in plasma insulin.

A study in obese mice with type 2 diabetes published in the July 2019 issue of Nutrition & Metabolism reveals that curcumin supplements helped lower blood insulin levels after 16 weeks.

Meanwhile, curcumin may help prevent diabetes through its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and improve many of the factors that contribute to diabetes, including insulin resistancehigh blood sugar, and hyperlipidemia (a medical term to describe elevated levels of fat in the blood; one type of hyperlipidemia is characterized by high levels of LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol). (20,16) Still, more human studies are needed to confirm.


6. Turmeric May Help Delay or Reverse Alzheimer’s Disease

Turmeric may even protect your brain against common degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s. How? By increasing levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein found in the brain and spinal cord that plays a key role in keeping nerve cells (neurons) healthy, as well as regulating communication between nerve cells, which is critical for learning and memory.) As common brain disorders like Alzheimer’s are associated with lower levels of BDNF, turmeric (curcumin in particular) may help delay or reverse brain degeneration

That said, much of the research has been done in mice. Researchers note more research is needed to confirm the effectiveness of turmeric in the prevention and treatment of common brain diseases

7. Turmeric May Play a Role in Treating Depression

Like Alzheimer’s, depression is also associated with lower levels of BDNF. Thanks to turmeric’s ability to boost levels of BDNF, the spice shows promise as an effective antidepressant. In fact, one study found that injecting rats with 50, 100, or 200 mg/kg of curcumin for 10 days led to a dose-dependent increase in BDNF, with the higher dose of 200 mg/kg showing greater antidepressant effects.

Meanwhile, in a study in humans that was published in the April 2014 issue of Phytotherapy Research, researchers randomly assigned 60 patients with major depressive disorder to one of three groups: one group received daily 20 mg of fluoxetine (Prozac is a common brand name), another received 1,000 mg of curcumin, and a third received a combination of the two. By the end of six weeks, the three groups saw comparable improvements, leading researchers to suggest that curcumin may be a safe and effective treatment for major depressive disorder.

Still, scientists don’t fully understand the role of turmeric and curcumin in treating depression, and more research in humans is needed to confirm it is a safe and effective treatment.


8. Curcumin May Play a Role in Treating Rheumatoid Arthritis

Curcumin shows promise as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a chronic inflammatory disorder that commonly affects the joints but may spread to other areas, such as the eyes, lungs, skin, heart, and blood vessels. (29RA causes a painful swelling of the joints that can cause the bones to erode over time and ultimately lead to deformities and physical disabilities.

In one study, people with RA were given 500 mg of curcumin, 50 mg of diclofenac sodium (a prescription nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug), or the two in combination. After eight weeks, the curcumin-only group saw significant improvements in joint tenderness and swelling when compared with the other two groups. Researchers note the curcumin treatment was also safe, resulting in no harmful events.

9. Turmeric May Improve Skin Health

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, turmeric may be an effective treatment for a variety of skin conditions, including acne, eczema (atopic dermatitis), photoaging, and psoriasis. Yet robust research is lacking.

One review published in the January 2018 issue of Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences suggests oral curcumin in particular may be an effective and safe treatment option for psoriasis (a chronic inflammatory skin disease), but more studies are needed before making recommendations.

According to the authors of another review, topical curcumin treatments may be useful in treating skin disorders, especially as past research suggests curcumin is relatively safe even at high doses. But curcumin’s bright yellow-orange color, poor solubility, and poor stability at a high pH make it an unappealing topical skin treatment.


10. Turmeric Protects Your Body From Free Radicals

Antioxidants help protect your body against damage caused by free radicals, a class of highly reactive atoms that are generated in our bodies, as well as in environmental pollutants like cigarette smoke and industrial chemicals. Too much exposure to free radicals can mess with the fats, proteins, and even DNA in your body, which may lead to a number of common diseases and health conditions, including cancer, arthritis, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. Therefore, antioxidant-rich spices like turmeric may play a role in protecting you from free radical damage.

Curcumin in particular is able to scavenge different types of free radicals, control enzymes that neutralize free radicals, and prevent certain enzymes from creating specific free radical types, according to a review in the October 2017 issue of Foods.

11. Turmeric May Work as an Anti-Aging Supplement

Currently, there’s no evidence that turmeric or curcumin directly influence longevity, but thanks to their ability to fight inflammation, protect your body against free radicals, and potentially delay brain degeneration and other age-related diseases, turmeric and curcumin may be effective anti-aging supplements, according to past research.

12. Curcumin May Prevent Eye Degeneration

Glaucoma, a group of eye conditions, is one of the leading causes of blindness in people over age 60. And, unfortunately, once your vision is gone, it can’t be restored.

But preliminary research published July 2018 in Scientific Reports shows topical curcumin treatments may help protect the eyes against degeneration. Researchers applied a proprietary curcumin eye drop solution to rats two times per day for three weeks. By the end of the study, the untreated rats experienced a 23 percent reduction in retinal cells compared with the treatment group, suggesting that loss was prevented by the curcumin treatment. The study findings sound impressive, but more studies are needed to determine if curcumin is effective in preventing eye degeneration in humans.






08/08/21 01:50 PM #17    

Jim Moore

Hi, Tom.  Just a quick note:  I, too, take turmeric.  Helps the minor arthritis pains a lot.  (This must be short.  We are fighting a couple of prairie fires here in western Nebraska.  One close to the house.)

Jim Moore




08/10/21 09:40 AM #18    


Thomas Austin

Jim, thanks for the email reply.  I hope your house has no problems with the fire. I hope to see you at the reunion in October.

Tom Austin

10/13/21 03:39 PM #19    


Thomas Austin



I want to thank all of you for going through all you must have done to pull this reunion together and make it work for everyone.  For all your diligence and patience, it couldn’t have been easy.   None of us are 17 anymore and it gets tougher as we get older.  I will be watching on zoom and have sent the information to Terry Rusthoven if he wants to participate in watching. 

I’m sorry I cannot attend but I have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and that makes things more difficult.  I still remember all of you, but recent memories are fading.  You have been wonderful friends and Westside brings back wonderful memories. 

Very sincerely Thank You all for what you have put together for our class of 61.

Very Sincerely,

Tom and Alice Austin

10/14/21 08:22 PM #20    

Nancy Campbell (Janike)

Tom,  We will ALL miss seeing you at the reunion.  Certainly some of my most memorable times involve you and your jeep.  Anything we were doing was always more fun when you were involved.  Thanks for the long detailed message you sent earlier this spring.  Take Care and know that as you're thinking about us we are also thinking about YOU!!!


10/20/21 11:15 AM #21    


Carol Hoemann (Farnam)

Just  wanted to thank the committee again for getting the reunion togerther. Especially Ann, Linda , and Gary. It was awesome. I think everyone had a good time. It was nice seeing classmates I haven't seen  since the 10th reunion. 

The gardens were great and the tour of Westside was awesome.

Carol Hoemann Farnam

05/24/23 09:22 AM #22    


Lhammer Hammer

I saw this post from Terry on the Admin page and have wondered the same thing about Walt Berris.  If any one out there knows anything about Walt please share with all of us. 
Larry Hammer





Does anybody know what ever happened to Walt Barras? Walt was such a well-known member of our class. He played football. I remember he was on the news program flying helicopters in Vietnam and that’s the last we ever heard of him. Does anybody know whatever happened to Walt? 

05/24/23 05:12 PM #23    

Ann McDaniel (Stinson)

Wasn't Walt Berris married to Barb Sinovich from the WHS class

of 1962?  I think he had a younger brother, Brian, in that class?

05/24/23 10:12 PM #24    


Lhammer Hammer

If that is true we need to see if anyone from 62 knows what happened to them.


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