60th Reunion
When All is Said and Done
(snapshots are available here)
I apologize for how slow I've been getting around to updating this page, especially since the reunion was such a spectacular success for those of us who attended.
The conversation flowed just as generously as the liquor Friday night at the Smokin' Oak Pizza get-reacquainted event. That's Bob Chrisman talking with Sandy Jenkins in the photo below with Billie Poulson Lenz chatting with Bill Kovar at the other end of the table.
Smokin' Oak
Saturday morning we were impressed by the thoughtfulness and extent of the $300,000,000 plans for renovating Omaha's Central Park Mall as presented by Ken Stinson in the ballroom of the Farnam hotel. We were also impressed by the eye-popping dollar figure Ken estimated is available for civic philanthropy in Omaha.
The Saturday afternoon tour of Westside was fun and I will guarantee I'd get lost in the place now. The building has grown like topsy with hallways, staircases, nooks and crannies and dead ends showing up in all sorts of unexpected places. We saw the beautiful new indoor golf practice facility and noted the prominence of the plaque marking the achievements of our classmate Bob Saffer.
The evening commenced with many of us taking a tram ride through beautiful Lauritzen Gardens. After coctails, we enjoyed a delightful buffet featuring beef tenderloin. Johnny Ray Gomez and his magical accordion put on a great show after dinner that by the end had a whole bunch of us septuagenarians dancing in the aisles.
Lauritzen Gardens Atrium
Through most of the activities we were able to connect via Zoom with several of our classmates who had been unable to attend. Among others, we saw Tom Austin, Suzie Falk Ahlstrand, Bid Taylor, Dave & Jo (Poulson) Baxter, Don Magdanz, and Judy Williams Chapman.
Gary Hannibal said he thought our goal should be to have everyone who attended leave saying they'd had a really great time. I can only speak for myself and my husband Dick, but we'd say that goal was well met.
—Linda Siert Johnson
The Reunion Organizing Committee

Top Row: Larry Hammer, Linda (Siert) Johnson, Ann (McDaniel) Stinson, Bill Kovar
2nd Row: Larry McChesney, Carol (Thomsen) McChesney, Dan Olson, Gary Hannibal, Tom Burton
3rd Row: Roger Ball, Bid Taylor
Not pictured: Steve Durham, Suzie (Falk) Ahlstrand