In Memory Of:




Lately It Seems We Are Posting Way Too Many Good People And Fellow Students To This Tab. Byron Young A Very Good Athlete Passed Away May 15, 2013. He Was Born On December 17, 1939. Not Only Was He A Member In Good Standing But A Former Club Officer.

Not Many People Can Say They Worked For The (3) Largest Companies In The Lehigh Valley Over Their Life Span. Bethlehem Steel, Western Electric & ppl.That Along With His Military Service To The Country Made Him A Special Individual. We Share In His Family's Admiration Of Byron And Pray For Their Comfort With His Loss.

For The Club K.E.W.


With Sad Hearts We Now Too Have To Remember Craig E. Knauss, our Faithful Club Secretary! Craig Passed Away Monday 03/25/2013 @ Home. Craig worked as Senior Engineer for the N.J. Zinc Co. For 52 Years! That Tells You Something About How Special And Devoted He Was. He Loved And Participated In Many Sports.

Our Sincere Thoughts And Prayers Are With His Family. Service Details Are In The Morning Call And On Our Home Page. Please Refer To Them. Life Is Way Too Short And We Hope To See You All At As Many Meetings And Events You Are Able To Attend.

As Our PSD Education Foundation Says, "Parkland - Educating For Life",

Craig Knauss Led An Active And Devoted Life

For The Club.........>K.E.W.

Continue To Remember Others:

     <Gary Wagner-Miller Family