Trip Permission Slip


                       Parker County Young Marines

                                 Permission Slip


My Young Marine _________________________________ has my permission to go to the Still Waters Retreat trip with the Parker County Young Marines for an Overnight Encampment on May 22nd & 23th, 2021.


I will not hold the staff, headquarters, or any part of the Young Marines liable for accidents that could occur.  In the event that an accident should occur, please transport my child to (hospital/doctor) ___________________________________


My Young Marine will conduct himself/herself in such a manner that represents the Parker County Young Marines.  He/she will dress appropriately, and respond accordingly.


My Young Marine does ____ or does not ____ have allergies.

Please list allergies: __________________________________________________


My Young Marine will ____ or will not ____ be on medication at the time of the above mentioned trip/excursion/encampment.


Please list any Medications: __________________________________________________________


Dosage: ___________________________________________________


Times to be given: ___________________________________________


Parent Contact Information


Name: ____________________________________________________________


Address: __________________________________________________________


City: __________________________________, Texas, Zip: ________


Phone (H): _______________________ (C): _______________________


Parent/Guardian Signature: ___________________________________________________________


Dated this _____________ day of __________________________, 2021

