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1971 Classmates


Please note: If you are a former 1971 classmate, and would have graduated with us if you had not quit, graduated early, or transferred to a different school, you are still considered a part of our class and you are on the correct page to join.


Click on Classmate Profiles in the links above, then find your name among the list and click on your name.  Then just follow the prompts.  Yes it's that easy!

Please note: The list is in alphabetical order according to your last name, but ladies should also take note: the list is alphabetical according to your maiden last name.

When you click on your name, the system will walk you through the sign-up process of entering your email and creating a password.  Passwords do not have to be the high security type like most web sites require.  Make it simple and easy to remember. (It can even be the same password you use for something else; as administrator,  not even I can see your password)

Can't find your name? That's not likely, but also possible that I missed someone.  Contact Us and request to be added.  Be sure to let me know if you are a former 1971 classmate as described above,  or a former 1972 classmate who graduated early (thus making you a part of this class.

If you still have questions or are having trouble,  Contact Us.

If you are a friend/relative of a 1971 classmate or you are from a different CHS class other than 1971 and have landed here by mistake, please join us as a Guest Member where instructions are a bit different.









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