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Guest Members

How To Join As A Guest Member


If you are from a different CHS class other than 1971, a friend/relative of a 1971 classmate, or a former CHS faculty member, we welcome you to join us as a Guest Member.

To join this site as a guest, I have to first enter your name in the database.  I have added many names already of friends that I think would want to join.

Follow these steps  

Click on Missing Classmates in the links above, then scroll all the way down that page until you see the heading, Guest Members.  Look for your name under that heading and click on your name if it's there.  After you click your name,  just follow the prompts.  

Please note: The list is in alphabetical order according to your last name (maiden name for the ladies)

Can't find your name?  Use the Contact Us button and request to be added:

When requesting to be added: Please let me know if you are CHS alumni, former CHS faculty, or a friend/relative of our 1971 class.  Optional: You may even join this site without a profile if you prefer.  Just let me know that when you request to be added (you can always request a profile later if you change your mind).

ONLY if you are CHS alumni:  Be sure to let me know what year you graduated (or would have graduated if you had not quit, graduated early or transferred to a different school.)  For married ladies, I will also need your maiden name.  

If you still have questions or are having trouble, please use the Contact Us button.




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