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Welcome to the only "official" website for the

Alberta-Saskatchewan / Canada Calgary Mission

under President & Sister Raymond E. Beckham.

If you served any time under President & Sister Beckham,

we want you to be registered and listed here.

Please find your name under the "Missionaries"

or "Missing/Lost Missionaries" tab along the top and sign-in.


Mission Home/Office in1976









Mission Home/Office in 1976: 910 70th Ave. S.W. Calgary, AB T2V-0P7

Condominiums Currently Sit on This Site.

Taken From Across Elbow Drive

Photo of Current Condominiums Take from Across Elbow Drive


BYU honors Raymond E. Beckham as the "Honored Founder" for Homecoming 2018. The Following video, prepared by BYU, was recently shown on October 11 and 12 to sold-out audiences at BYU's Homecoming Spectacular at the Marriott Center.  Read more about Ray's inspiring journey at and

